CT scan construction for angioplasty


The aim was to find a method to merge two distinct CT scans acquired from different patients such that the second scan can supplement the first when it is missing necessary supporting anatomy. Often, patient CT scans are confined to a localized region so that the patient is not exposed to any more radiation than necessary and to increase throughput for scanner itself for the hospital. Unfortunately in some applications, this localized scanning region is limiting and more surrounding anatomy is required.


This work has been done at the CIMIT in Boston (US) with Steeve Dawson and Stephane Cotin, who is now research lead in INRIA Lille (Fr).


The resulting final dataset is a volumetric CT scan dataset. A male patient head has been merged with two CT scan data from the Visible Man and Woman projects and they have been incorporated into the interventional radiology simulator EVE [1].
The image shows a screen image from the simulator using the male patient head scan merged with the body of the Visible Man scan. Also on the image is the vascular model is segmented from the patient scan and a heart motion field for the physiology module.