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Sequence | Parameters | grid size | Comments | animation step |
sequence 1 | pE=100 pT=100 pR=0 | small | static regime | 1 |
sequence 2 | pE=100 pT=98 pR=0 | small | non-coherent regime | 1 |
sequence 3 | pE=10 pT=100 pR=0 | small | self-organisation | 10 |
sequence 4 | pE=1 pT=100 pR=0 | large | self-organisation | 100 |
sequence 5 | pE=1 pT=100 pR=10 | large | self-organisation with noise | 100 |
sequence 6 | pE=1 pT=100 pR=10 | large | self-organisation with obstacles and noise | 100 |
sequence 7 | pE=1 pT=100 pR=10 | large | self-organisation with obstacles (no noise) | 100 |
Last Update : July 2008