Benjamin Elie

I am a Postdoctoral fellow at IMSIA (ENSTA ParisTech), in Palaiseau, France. As a member of the MAESSTRO ANR project, my work focuses on computer-based assistance for piano design. From 2009 to 2012, I worked as a PhD student at LAUM, in Le Mans, France. My thesis (in French), supervised by François Gautier and Bertrand David, and is about mechanical and acoustic characterization of stringed musical instruments applied to lutherie assistance. From 2013 to 2017, as a member of the MULTISPEECH team at  LORIA (Nancy, France), my researches have focused on articulatory synthesis, namely human speech synthesis based on articulatory and acoustic models. Then from 2017 to 2018, I have been working on speech signal processing for phonetic studies at the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systemes (L2S, CentraleSupelec) . A complete CV (in French) is available, here.


Benjamin ELIE
Office D110
Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications (IMSIA)
ENSTA ParisTech, CNRS, CEA, EDF, Université Paris-Saclay,
828 boulevard des Maréchaux
91120 Palaiseau, France

Tel:   +33-(0)1 69 31 97 41
email: benjamin.elie(at)

Research topics :

    - Mechanics/Acoustics:
        - String instruments acoustics
        - Speech synthesis using acoustic models
        - Physical modeling of trill consonants
    - Signal processing and inverse problems for phonetics:
        - Articulatory model
        - Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion
        - Compressed sensing for MRI speech reconstruction
        - Periodic/Aperiodic source decomposition of speech signals
    - Phonetics:
        - Strategies of production of fricatives


Papers published in international peer-reviewed journals

    [J1] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Simulating alveolar trills using a two-mass model of the tongue tip". J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142(5), pp. 3245-3256 (2017). [.pdf]
    [J2] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Acoustic impact of the gradual glottal abduction degree on the production of fricatives: A numerical study". J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142(3), pp. 1303-1317 (2017). [.pdf] [.bib]
    [J3] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Extension of the single-matrix formulation of the vocal tract: consideration of bilateral channels and connection of self-oscillating models of the vocal folds with a glottal chink". Speech Comm. 82, pp. 85-96 (2016). [.pdf] [.bib]
    [J4] Elie B., Gautier F., and David B. "Acoustic signature of violins based on bridge mobility measurements". J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136(3), pp. 1385-1393 (2014). [.pdf] [.bib]
    [J5] Denis V., Gautier F., Pelat A., and Elie B. "Modal Overlap Factor of a beam with an Acoustic Black Hole termination". J. Sound Vib. 333(12), pp. 2475-2488 (2014). [link] [.bib]
    [J6] Elie B., Gautier F., and David B. "Estimation of mechanical properties of panels based on modal density and mean mobility measurements". Mech. Syst. Sig. Proc. 40, pp. 628-644 (2013). [.pdf] [.bib]
    [J7] Elie B., Gautier F., and David B. "Macro parameters describing the mechanical behavior of classical guitars". J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132(6), pp. 4013-4024 (2012). [.pdf] [.bib]
    [J8] Daltrop S., Kotlicki A. Waltham C., Wolfe N., Gautier F., and Elie B. "Vibroacoustic characteristics of a Gothic Harp". J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131(1), pp. 837-843 (2012). [link] [.bib]

Proceedings of international conferences

    [P1] Laprie Y, Elie B., Tsukanova A., and Vuissoz P.-A. "Centerline articulatory models of the velum and epiglottis for articulatory synthesis of speech". EUSIPCO, Rome 2018.
    [P2]  Tsukanova A., Elie B., and Laprie Y "Articulatory Speech Synthesis from Static Context-Aware Articulatory Targets". The 11th International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin 2017. 
    [P3] Laprie Y, Elie B., Vuissoz P.-A., and Tsukanova A., "Articulatory model of the epiglottis". The 11th International Seminar on Speech Production, Tianjin 2017.
    [P4] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Glottal opening and strategies of production of fricatives". Interspeech, Stockholm 2017. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P5] Vuissoz P.-A, Elie B., Odille F, and Laprie Y. "High frame rate vocal tract MRI using compressed sensing on randomly Cartesian spoiled fast gradient echo". Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017) n°3857
    [P6] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Self-oscillating models of the tongue tip for simulating alveolar trills". 24th Intern. Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV), London 2017. [.pdf]
    [P7] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Copy-synthesis of running speech based on vocal tract imaging and audio recording". Intern. Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Buenos Aires 2016. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P8] Elie B., and Chardon G. "Robust tonal and noise separation in presence of colored noise, and application to voiced fricatives". Intern. Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Buenos Aires 2016. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P9] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Copy-synthesis of phrase-level utterances". EUSIPCO, Budapest 2016. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P10] Elie B., Laprie Y., Vuissoz P.-A., and Odille F. "High spatiotemporal cineMRI films using compressed sensing for acquiring articulatory data". EUSIPCO, Budapest 2016. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P11] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "A glottal chink model for the synthesis of voiced fricatives". ICASSP, Shanghai 2016. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P12] Laprie Y., Elie B., and Tsukanova A. "2D articulatory velum modeling applied to copy synthesis of sentences containing nasal phonemes. ICPhS, Glasgow 2015. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P13] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Audiovisual to area and length functions inversion of human vocal tract". EUSIPCO, Lisbon 2014. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P14] Laprie Y., Sock R., Vaxelaire B., and Elie B. "Comment faire parler les images aux rayons X du conduit vocal". Congrès mondial de Linguistique Française 2014, Berlin 2014. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P15] Elie B., Gautier F., and David B. "Analysis of bridge mobility of violins", Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference, pp 54-59, Stockholm 2013. [.pdf] [.bib]
    [P16] Denis V., Poittevin J., Pelat A., Elie B., and Gautier F. "Reflexion of flexural waves at the end of a tapered beam of quadratic profile covered with a thin viscoelastic layer", In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Montreal 2013. [link] [.bib]
    [P17] Elie B., Gautier F., David B., and Curtit M. "Analysis of bridge admittance of plucked string instruments in the high frequency range". Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg 2011. [.pdf] [.bib

Proceedings of national conference

    [N1] Elie B., Laprie Y., and Vuissoz P.-A. "Acquisition temps-réel de données articulatoires par IRM: application à la synthèse par copie". Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2016, La Mans 2016. [.pdf]  
    [N2] Elie B., and Laprie Y. "Estimation de la longueur du conduit vocal pour l'inversion acoustique-articulatoire". Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2014, Poitiers 2014. [.pdf]

Oral communication with video support

    [O1] Elie B. "Articulatory synthesis of continuous speech : global approach and copy synthesis", IRCAM, december 2015. [link to the video][.pdf]
    [O2] Elie B. "Synthesis of running speech for studying the mechanisms of speech production: the case of fricatives", IRCAM, december 2017. [link to the video][.pdf]

Last modification: February, 1st, 2019