Acquisition of articulatory data by MRI techniques

Context and aims

Acquiring articulatory data, i.e. geometry and position of the articulators involved in speech production (lips, tongue, larynx, velum...) as a function of time, is very challenging because of the impossibility to access them directly by video or any classical imaging technique. Yet, their knowledge is essential to study speech production, and researchers have borrowed techniques usually from biomedical imaging techniques to acquire articulatory data. For health reasons, X-ray have been abandoned, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have been recently given increasing interest because of its ability to accurately reconstruct images of internal tissues with high contrast, in either a single slice visualization or a 3D visualization, via slice superimposition. However, MRI suffers a major drawback which limits its use for acquiring dynamic articulatory data. Indeed, to reconstruct a 2D image, MRI uses spatial frequency information, in the Fourier or $k$-space, that are sequentially acquired. Then, the image is the inverse spatial Fourier transform of the acquired $k$-space. Consequently,  the protocol needs to read the full $k$-space through, which may take a certain time ($\simeq$ half a second) for a single image, as shown in Fig. 1. Hence a very low framerate for the output video.


Fig1. - Functioning of standard MRI: successive images are recovered by inverse spatial Fourier transform of the corresponding $k$-space
. Temporal spacing between two successives images depends on the required time to read the full $k$-space through.

Fortunately, several acceleration techniques for MRI have been developped, and the temporal resolution can, by now, be significantly reduced to a few dozens of milliseconds. They usually consist in subsampling the $k$-space, i.e. acquiring only a portion of the $k$-space, and recovering the missing information with prior knowledges. One of the most efficient partial Fourier acquisition technique is the Compressed Sensing [1]. This mathematical framework allows subsampled signals to be accurately recovered if it exists a certain basis in where the signal is sparse. The solution of the inverse problem consists in minimizing the $\ell_1$-norm of the signal in the sparsifying basis.

My research on this problem focuses on the application of compressed sensing to enhance spatiotemporal resolution of articulatory films by MRI. Fig. 2 shows the sampling trajectory used for compressed sensing. It is based on Cartesian scheme, with variable density (central lines, or low frequencies are more sampled than high frequencies) [2].


Fig2. - Functioning of standard MRI: successive images are recovered by inverse spatial Fourier transform of the corresponding $k$-space
. Temporal spacing between two successives images depends on the required time to read the full $k$-space through.

A few results


Fig3. - Strip plots of repeated utterance /dezabaʒuʁ/.
Top strip: movement of the lips: small red boxes show the lip occlusion for pronouncing /b/, while large green boxes show lip constricition and protrusion for pronouncing /u/. The lip constricition is well-coordinated with the back of the tongue, which also forms a constricition at the same momemnt, as shown on the bottom strip plot. Left figures show a midsagittal view of the vocal tract, and the vertical red line indicates the position of the slice corresponding to the strip plots.

Videos :

    - Des abat-jours (/dezɑbɑʒuʁ/), 128x128 pixels, 36 fps. Subject 1, male 34 y.o. 

    - Des abat-jours (/dezɑbɑʒuʁ/), 256x256pixels, 28.5 fps. Subject 1, male 34 y.o. 

    - Nous balisons (/nubɑlizɔ̃/), 256x256pixels, 28.5 fps. Subject 1, male 34 y.o. 

    - Un pichet de vin (/ɛ̃piʃɛdəvɛ̃/), 256x256pixels, 28.5 fps. Subject 1, male 34 y.o. 

    - Des abat-jours (/dezɑbɑʒuʁ/), 256x256pixels, 23 fps. Subject 2, male 54 y.o. 


[1] Donoho D. L., "Compressed sensing", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 52, pp. 1289--1306, 2006

[2] Elie B., Laprie Y., Vuissoz P.-A., and Odille F. "High spatiotemporal cineMRI films using compressed sensing for acquiring articulatory data". EUSIPCO, Budapest 2016.


Here are slides from a IADI seminar

Last modification: July 27th, 2016