Dobrina Boltcheva


615 r. du Jardin Botanique
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy
Phone:(+33) 03 83 59 30 00
Fax:(+33) 476 615 440

Welcome to my professional web page! Research

My research interests include Geometric Modelling and Meshing and Computational Topology .
I joined the ALICE team at INRIA Nancy in September 2011 in order to work on reconstruction and mesh generation from point clouds in 3D.

Since Novembre 2009, I am working on computational topology and I am developping algorithms for computing homology groups with nice generators from simplicial complexes.
Since September 2010, I am also involved in the ARC projet PlantScans3D and I am working on reconstructing and modelling of plants from 3D scanner point clouds.