Utilities for reasonning |
replace.v | |
classical_help.v | |
Utilities for (dependent) lists and parametric terms |
list_fall_exst.v | |
list_in_t.v | |
list_fall_exst_t.v | |
dlist.v | length dependent lists |
term.v | terms based on a signature |
Utilities for predicates (viewed as sets) and maps |
predicate.v | sets, inclusion, (extensional) identity, [binary|indexed] unions & intersections, pred_solve tactic |
maps.v | maps, injectivivity, (infinite) surjectivity, boundedness, direct and inverse images |
Utilities for finite sets |
carrier.v | lists as carriers of finite sets/predicates |
finite.v | properties of finite sets |
Utilities for graphs of functions |
graph.v | graphs of functions |
uniq_choice.v | a unique choice recursive principle |
Utilities for closure operators and systems of rules |
closure.v | properties of closure operators |
system.v | relations defined by systems of finitary derivation rules, proof objects |
system_extensions.v | extra properties of rule systems, compactness property |
Utilities for natural numbers and indexations by the type nat |
natpred.v | sets of natural numbers |
natseq.v | sequences of natural numbers |
maxf.v | the maximum function on sequences of nat |
cantorbernstein.v | a constructive proof for indexing types by nat |
enum.v | (surjective) enumerations by nat |
nat2.v | a bijection nat <-> nat*nat |
enumerations.v | enumerations and recursive datatypes |
nathole.v | an injection nat -> nat avoiding a finite set of elements |
Utilities for analytic tableaux |
branch.v | generic branch equivalence |
tableaux.v | generic tableaux proofs and properties of tableaux proofs |
Main data structures for Partial Monoidal Orders (PMO) |
labels.v | a particular nat indexed set of letters |
words.v | words (as list of letters), permutation equivalence, substitutions |
constraints.v | constraints (pairs of words), languages and alphabets |
substitutions.v | substitutions based on words of labels |
pme.v | partial monoidal orders, pmo closure |
Syntax and semantics of BI |
formula.v | the syntax of BI |
css.v | the tableaux branches for BI |
kripke.v | the PMO semantics for BI |
Semantic Tableaux proofs for BI |
bi_expansion.v | BI tableaux expansion definition |
bi_exp_props.v | properties of BI tableaux expansion |
bi_closed_branch.v | closure for branches in BI tableaux |
bi_tableaux.v | properties of BI tableaux |
The soundness of Tableaux proofs |
bi_realizability.v | realizable branches have no closed tableaux |
The strong completeness of Tableaux proofs |
bi_strategy.v | infinite enumeration for BI tableaux statements |
bi_oracle.v | the counter-model building oracle |
bi_simple.v | simple PMOs |
bi_basic.v | basic PMOs |
bi_sequence.v | the tool to build an increasing sequence of branches |
bi_limit.v | the BOI tableaux extracted counter-model |
bi_hintikka.v | Hintikka built counter-models |
The Main Theorems |
bi_sound_and_complete.v | |