MATLAB codes to reproduce the numerical experiments of: "On biases in displacement estimation for image registration, with a focus on photomechanics" F. Sur, B. Blaysat, M. Grédiac 2020 This code can be used for non-profit academic research only. Tested with MATLAB R2018a. To reproduce Figures 2, 3, 4 of the paper, use script_1D.m This script calls: calculate_displacements_1D.m funexact.m fun.m funweightexact.m funweight.m To reproduce Figures 9 to 24 of the paper, use script_2D.m This script calls: calculate_LandG.m compute_U.m SSD.m SSDtilde.m savitzkyGolay2D_rle_coupling.m (from: sgdf_2d.m (from: Datasets (add the images/ directory to Matlab's path): specklefine00.png specklefine01.png specklelarge00.png specklelarge01.png checkerboard00.png checkerboard01.png Speckle images are rendered by BSpeckleRender_b Checkerboard images are rendered by script_render_ckb.m in the archive.