Automatic Interpretation of Scanned Topographic Maps

Steffen Frischknecht, Entela Kanani
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
ETH Hoenggerberg, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. ++41-1-633 3045 or 3055, Fax ++41-1-633 1101
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Abstract. This paper presents some results of an ongoing project in the field of pat-tern recognition and automatic vectorization. The goal of the project is to obtain automatically multiple information and structured objects from digital topographic maps in raster format. An approach of knowledge-based Template Matching with very high recognition rates (about 95%) and a procedure to segment and isolate coherent areas of a colour layer are presented. All segmented areas are encoded uniquely, which allows to calculate features for every area. The segmentation and the features can serve as a preselection in the raster image to obtain information about regions or objects of high, low or no interest. Furthermore, a new procedure that provides an automatic vectorization of areal objects is shown. The vectorization occurs by adjusting the end points of straight line segments, facilitated by robust estimation functions which are resistant to falsely assigned parts of areal objects and stable with respect to deviation from the given distributional model. The process starts with a simple model (rectangle) and gradually uses more complicated ones (right-angle polygon, simple polygon, circle etc.). If a more complicated model does not give a better representation, the simplest model is adopted. The resulting data can be exported as DXF to standard CAD-packages or GIS-Systems for further use.
The methods presented have been tested in many topographic maps and found to be operationally and qualitatively suitable for automatic processing.

Chair of GIS at Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry of ETH Zurich
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Homepage of Steffen Frischknecht
Homepage of Entela Kanani

GREC'97 program