International Workshop on Graphics Recognition

August 9-11, 1995
Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

General Chairs: R. Kasturi and K. Tombre
Local Arrangements: D. Kosiba (

In August 1995, IAPR TC-10 organized the First International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, at the Penn State University's Scanticon conference center. The goal of the workshop was to bring together researchers from around the world to assess the state of the art in the above-mentioned topics. The workshop attendance was limited to 75 persons, to promote closer interaction among participants. The workshop was organized into five sessions; each of them began with an invited talk assessing the state of the art, followed by short research presentations and concluding with a panel discussion, to identify important open research problems and suggestions for future research directions. These panel discussions proved to be very interesting, with much interaction between the authors and all the other participants.

Here is the list of sessions, with name of state-of-the-art speaker:

  • Basic Techniques and Symbol-level Recognition (Larry O'Gorman)
  • Map Processing (Jurgen den Hartog)
  • Engineering Drawings (Dov Dori)
  • Applications of Graphics Recognition (Dorothea Blostein)
  • Performance Evaluation (Robert M. Haralick)
  • During the workshop, we also organized a contest to determine the best algorithm for detection of dashed lines in drawings. Formal performance evaluation protocols and metrics had been defined in advance, and were used to test the accuracy of detection and representation of dashed lines. Many groups expressed interest in this contest and obtained test data but only one group completed their development and came to the workshop with a working program. The team headed by Dr. Dov Dori from Technion, Israel, received the award in this contest.

    You can find here the rules for the Dashed Line Detection Contest

    The social environment of the workshop was also appreciated by the participants; the location was nice, the food was excellent, and the workshop closed with a picnic at Stone Valley Recreation Park where we had time for non-professional contests in volley-ball and boating, to name but a few.

    At the end of the workshop, all presented papers where submitted to an anonymous review by two workshop participants, who were asked to judge the contribution with respect to both the paper itself and the presentation and the subsequent discussions. A selection of papers was made through this reviewing process; this selection also includes a description of the performance evaluation protocol used in the dashed-lines contest and a paper describing the winner system. All these papers were thoroughly revised and improved, and published in May 1996 as a 300-page book.

    Click here for details on the LNCS 1072 book