Lucas Nussbaum's Homepage
This is my old homepage at LORIA. Since 2021, I joined Inria, where I am responsable du programme plateformes d'expérimentation et moyens de calcul in the Service du Développement Technologique (SDT). This service is part of the Direction des opérations (DDO), which is itself part of the Direction Générale Déléguée à l'Innovation (DGD-I) of Inria. Current contact information: Inria Nancy Grand Est Phone: +33 3 54 95 86 19 All information below is kept only for historical purposes. Associate professor at Université de Lorraine. Researcher in the RESIST team, at LORIA laboratory, a joint laboratory with INRIA Nancy - Grand Est and CNRS. Je suis Maître de Conférences à l'IUT Nancy-Charlemagne (Université de Lorraine). Mes activités de recherche s'effectuent au sein du LORIA, dans l'équipe RESIST. |
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Research / Recherche
My research activities focus on experimentation for the evaluation of distributed systems in the context of High Performance Computing and Clouds. I work on the design of experimental testbeds (Grid'5000), emulation (Distem emulator), and Open Science and reproducible research.
Projects :
- Grid'5000: Technical director. Member of the bureau, comité d'architectes. chief scientist of the Nancy site.
- Software:
All my publications and talks since 2009 are available on the HAL Open Archive.
(Additionally, some older publications are listed on this page.)Teaching / Enseignement
Je suis Maître de conférences à l'Université de Lorraine, affecté à l'IUT Nancy-Charlemagne. Je réalise une partie importante de mon service en Licence Professionnelle Administration de systèmes, réseaux et applications à base de logiciels libres (ASRALL).
Liens utiles
Useful links (but mostly outdated)
- On tools:
- Version Control with Subversion : the free online version of an O'Reilly book about Subversion. In particular, "Basic Work Cycle" in chapter 2 covers the commands you will use daily if you don't do anything too complex.
- Vim : Graphical vi/vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial, Seven habits of effective text editing
- Internet Measurement Tool Taxonomy
- Programming UNIX Sockets in C - FAQ
- Bibtex Entry Types, Field Types and Usage Hints
- INRIA's categorization of publications for activity reports
- On doing a PhD, writing your PhD, and steps to do after a PhD (in France):
- Présentation "La thèse" de Sébastien Mosser
- The illustrated guide to a Ph.D.
- Arnaud Legout's Recommendations for Ph.D. students
- A. Guénoche : De la thèse considérée comme un genre littéraire
- Guilde des doctorants, en particulier Guide du doctorant
- Après avoir candidaté Maitre de Conférences, j'ai rassemblé quelques conseils sur cette page.
- Opération Postes
- The Art and Science of Writing. How to write easy-to-read text?
- Lists of conferences and call for papers:
- ETHZ's confsearch
- Networking Conferences Statistics: acceptance rate for many conferences
- Wikipedia's List of Computer Science Conferences. Also useful: Australian ranking for conferences and journals,'s ranking
- WikiCFP
- Journal of Universal Rejection (very prestigious journal, according to acceptance rate)
- Journal of Irreproducible Results (website down, Wikipedia page up)
- Improbable research: Research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK. includes Luxuriant Hair Clubs for Scientists and articles such as How to Write a Scientific Paper
- Workgroups and mailing lists:
- ORAP - Promouvoir le calcul haute performance (mailing list)
- HotDocs -- lieu de réflexion et d'échange sur la formation doctorale
- GDR ASR (Architecture, Systèmes et Réseaux) du CNRS : asr, asr-forum, asr.rescom
- Groupe Calcul (mailing lists calcul et asr-calcul)
- Développement Logiciel à l'INRIA (et liste devel)
- Teaching:
- Indemnités Journalières par pays, ou sur cette page
- English for software localisation. A list of common mistakes non-native speakers make when writing packages descriptions in Debian. Applies very well to other contexts too.
- ... and Piled Higher and Deeper and xkcd of course!