Monique Teillaud - Recent Collaborations

Open Source Project
CGAL, Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

ANR Projects
(2018 - 2022 - extended until March 2023 because of the Covid pandemic) coordinator of   SoS
(2012 - 2015) Presage
(2007 - 2010) Triangles

Associate Teams
(2018 - 2020) TRIP
(2017 - 2019) coordinator of the   Associate Team Astonishing
(2016) coordinator of the  NEAT (Nancy Emerging Associate Team) Astonishing
(2009 - 2011) coordinator of  OrbiCG
(2004 - 2008) Genepi
(2003 - 2006) Calamata

INRIA Technologic Development Action (ADT)
(2017, 3 months) P3M3
(2013 - 2015) OrbiCGAL

European Projects
(2005 - 2008) ACS: Algorithms for Complex Shapes with certified topology and numerics
(2001 - 2004) Technical project manager of   ECG: Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces

Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC)
formerly: Integrated Action Program (PAI)
(2007 - 2008) Geometric concepts and CGAL

Cooperative Research Action (ARC)
(2005 - 2006) Arcadia: Arrangements of Quadrics, algorithms, implementation and applications

(2005 - 2006) Optimization Problems in Computational Topology

Monique Teillaud