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Olivier DevillersResearch Director / Directeur de recherche à![]() INRIA, Centre de Recherche Nancy - Grand est, CNRS, Loria , Université de Lorraine Phone : (33) 3 54 95 85 25 Fax : (33) 3 83 27 83 19 email : Olivier.Devillers(at)inria.fr |
Research topics
computational geometry
Delaunay |
PhD studentsPascal Desnoguès, 1993-1996Pierre-Marie Gandoin +, 1998-2001 Philippe Guigue, 2000-2003 Luca Castelli Aleardi, 2003-2006 Abdelkrim Mebarki +, 2004-2008 Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro +, 2007-2010 Ross Hemsley, 2011-2014 Rémy Thomasse, 2012-2015 Charles Duménil, 2016-2022 Master studentsLeo Donati, 1991Sylvain Lazard, 1992 Pascal Desnoguès, 1993 Pierre Alliez, 1997 Pierre-Marie Gandoin, 1998 Philippe Guigue, 2000 Luca Castelli Aleardi, 2003 François Collet, 2015 Guillermo Reyes, 2017 |
Popularization![]() PublicationsPUBLICATIONS dissemin, hal, google scholar HAL ACM Portal Citeseer DBLP MathSciNet zbMATH![]() Collaborations, google profile ResearchGate MathSciNet Demos: Point location [SoCG2011] Trees, and Stars. (Demos run faster with safari or chrome than firefox) Invited talk at EuroCG 2012 Talk at Séminaire Francilien de Géométrie Algorithmique et Combinatoire Links--- Computational geometry pages--- Journées de géométrie algorithmique --- Diamond open journals where I already published (free for readers and authors): JoCG, JGAA, ECP, DMTCS, JCGT. I do not review for commercial journals |
Photo by Monique Teillaud | Positions in Gamble team |