
ANR-17-CE25-0009 SoftQPro:
Software-based quantum program and resource optimisation
Coordinator: Simon Perdrix

SoftQPro is a research project in computer science, which started in February 2018 and will last until January 2022. It is jointly developed by several academic partners and industrial partners in France (Atos-Bull and CEA).

The goal is to bridge the theoretical approaches of quantum computing and technological efforts, by developing a full, and certified, compilation chain in order to program the quantum computer.

For more informations about SoftQPro :

ANR-14-CE25-0005 Elica:
Expanding Logical Ideas for Complexity Analysis
Coordinator: Damiano Mazza

Elica is a research project in computer science, which started in February 2015 and will last until January 2019. It is jointly developed by several academic partners in France and Italy.

Financial support is provided by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), under contract number ANR-14-CE25-0005. Elica was selected as part of ANR’s 2014 call for projects, under the program Fondements du numérique.

The aim of Elica is to develop logical methods for static complexity analysis, improve their expressiveness and extend their application to non-deterministic and concurrent programming paradigms.

Click here for more informations about Elica :