PostDoctoral Researcher
615 rue du Jardin Botanique, 54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France
Phone: +33 3 8359 2036
Fax: +33 3 8327 8319
Email: sucheta.ghoshREMOVETHIS@loria.fr
Research interests
Areas of My Research Interests:
- Speech perception, production and communication engineering with application in education & health-care
- Speech Synthesis, Acoustics-Phonetics
- Spoken Language Understanding
- Machine Learning, specifically, Deep processing through Neural Networks
Publications, software and data
Software, data
2007-2008: MS in Human Language Technologies and Interfaces, University of Trento, Italy
2008-2012: PhD in Informatics, Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy
2012-2013: Post-doctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (13 months)
2013-2014: Visiting Research Scholar, Indian StatisTical Institute, Calcutta, India (6 months)
2014-2015: Post-doctoral researcher at Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland (15 months)
2015-Current: Post-doctoral researcher at LORIA-CNRS Nancy, France