Stephan Merz — events
Some events I am currently affiliated with:
The summer school on Verification Technology, Systems, and Applications
is organized every year in the Greater Region. The organizing institutions
are Inria Nancy, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik Saarbrücken,
and the Universities of Koblenz, Liège and Luxembourg. It is a five-day
event with five speakers that get two half-days to present their field
in sufficient detail. The focus is on an integration of theory, tool
support, and real-world applications. The 2016 edition takes place
during the last week of August in Liège, Belgium.
AVoCS is a yearly workshop on automated verification of system,
understood broadly. It is intended as a friendly meeting where
young researchers (in particular, Ph.D. students) are encouraged
to present their work and get feedback.
I am a member of the AVoCS steering committee.
The 2016 edition is organized by the University of Pisa, jointly
with the FMICS workshop.
FRIDA: Formal Reasoning in Distributed Algorithms
The FRIDA workshop is an
interdisciplinary effort by scientists from the fields of formal methods,
logic in computer science, and distributed algorithm theory in order to bring
together researchers interested in the verification of distributed algorithms.
The 2016 edition was co-located with NETYS
2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.
ITP 2016: 7th International Conference
on Interactive Theorem Proving
The flagship conference on interactive theorem proving was organized
from August 22 to 27 at the Inria Nancy research center.
Stephan Merz