theory Tarjan
imports Main
text ‹
Tarjan's algorithm computes the strongly connected components of
a finite graph using depth-first search. We formalize a functional
version of the algorithm in Isabelle/HOL, following a development
of Lévy et al. in Why3 that is available at
text ‹Make the simplifier expand let-constructions automatically›
declare Let_def[simp]
text ‹
Definition of an auxiliary data structure holding local variables
during the execution of Tarjan's algorithm.
record 'v env =
black :: "'v set"
gray :: "'v set"
stack :: "'v list"
sccs :: "'v set set"
sn :: nat
num :: "'v ⇒ int"
definition colored where
"colored e ≡ black e ∪ gray e"
locale graph =
fixes vertices :: "'v set"
and successors :: "'v ⇒ 'v set"
assumes vfin: "finite vertices"
and sclosed: "∀x ∈ vertices. successors x ⊆ vertices"
context graph
section {* Reachability in graphs *}
abbreviation edge where
"edge x y ≡ y ∈ successors x"
definition xedge_to where
"xedge_to xs ys y ≡
y ∈ set ys
∧ (∃zs. xs = zs @ ys ∧ (∃z ∈ set zs. edge z y))"
inductive reachable where
reachable_refl[iff]: "reachable x x"
| reachable_succ[elim]: "⟦edge x y; reachable y z⟧ ⟹ reachable x z"
lemma reachable_edge: "edge x y ⟹ reachable x y"
by auto
lemma succ_reachable:
assumes "reachable x y" and "edge y z"
shows "reachable x z"
using assms by induct auto
lemma reachable_trans:
assumes y: "reachable x y" and z: "reachable y z"
shows "reachable x z"
using assms by induct auto
text {*
Given some set @{text S} and two vertices @{text x} and @{text y}
such that @{text y} is reachable from @{text x}, and @{text x} is
an element of @{text S} but @{text y} is not, then there exists
some vertices @{text x'} and @{text y'} linked by an edge such that
@{text x'} is an element of @{text S}, @{text y'} is not,
@{text x'} is reachable from @{text x}, and @{text y} is reachable
from @{text y'}.
lemma reachable_crossing_set:
assumes 1: "reachable x y" and 2: "x ∈ S" and 3: "y ∉ S"
obtains x' y' where
"x' ∈ S" "y' ∉ S" "edge x' y'" "reachable x x'" "reachable y' y"
proof -
from assms
have "∃x' y'. x' ∈ S ∧ y' ∉ S ∧ edge x' y' ∧ reachable x x' ∧ reachable y' y"
by induct (blast intro: reachable_edge reachable_trans)+
with that show ?thesis by blast
section {* Strongly connected components *}
definition is_subscc where
"is_subscc S ≡ ∀x ∈ S. ∀y ∈ S. reachable x y"
definition is_scc where
"is_scc S ≡ S ≠ {} ∧ is_subscc S ∧ (∀S'. S ⊆ S' ∧ is_subscc S' ⟶ S' = S)"
lemma subscc_add:
assumes "is_subscc S" and "x ∈ S"
and "reachable x y" and "reachable y x"
shows "is_subscc (insert y S)"
using assms unfolding is_subscc_def by (metis insert_iff reachable_trans)
lemma sccE:
assumes "is_scc S" and "x ∈ S"
and "reachable x y" and "reachable y x"
shows "y ∈ S"
using assms unfolding is_scc_def by (metis insertI1 subscc_add subset_insertI)
lemma scc_partition:
assumes "is_scc S" and "is_scc S'" and "x ∈ S ∩ S'"
shows "S = S'"
using assms unfolding is_scc_def is_subscc_def
by (metis IntE assms(2) sccE subsetI)
section {* Auxiliary functions *}
abbreviation infty ("∞") where
"∞ ≡ int (card vertices)"
definition set_infty where
"set_infty xs f = fold (λx g. g (x := ∞)) xs f"
lemma set_infty:
"(set_infty xs f) x = (if x ∈ set xs then ∞ else f x)"
unfolding set_infty_def by (induct xs arbitrary: f) auto
text {*
Split a list at the first occurrence of a given element.
Returns the two sublists of elements before (and including)
the element and those strictly after the element.
If the element does not occur in the list, returns a pair
formed by the entire list and the empty list.
fun split_list where
"split_list x [] = ([], [])"
| "split_list x (y # xs) =
(if x = y then ([x], xs) else
(let (l, r) = split_list x xs in
(y # l, r)))"
lemma split_list_concat:
assumes "x ∈ set xs"
shows "(fst (split_list x xs)) @ (snd (split_list x xs)) = xs"
using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp: split_def)
lemma fst_split_list:
assumes "x ∈ set xs"
shows "∃ys. fst (split_list x xs) = ys @ [x] ∧ x ∉ set ys"
using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp: split_def)
text ‹
Push a vertex on the stack and increment the sequence number.
The pushed vertex is associated with the (old) sequence number.
It is also added to the set of gray nodes.
definition add_stack_incr where
"add_stack_incr x e =
e ⦇ gray := insert x (gray e),
stack := x # (stack e),
sn := sn e +1,
num := (num e) (x := int (sn e)) ⦈"
text ‹
Add vertex @{text x} to the set of black vertices in @{text e}
and remove it from the set of gray vertices.
definition add_black where
"add_black x e = e ⦇ black := insert x (black e),
gray := (gray e) - {x} ⦈"
section ‹Main functions used for Tarjan's algorithms›
subsection ‹Function definitions›
text {*
We define two mutually recursive functions that contain the essence
of Tarjan's algorithm. Their arguments are respectively a single
vertex and a set of vertices, as well as an environment that contains
the local variables of the algorithm, and an auxiliary parameter
representing the set of ``gray'' vertices, which is used only for
the proof. The main function is then obtained by specializing the
function operating on a set of vertices.
function (domintros) dfs1 and dfs where
"dfs1 x e =
(let (n1, e1) = dfs (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) in
if n1 < int (sn e) then (n1, add_black x e1)
(let (l,r) = split_list x (stack e1) in
⦇ black = insert x (black e1),
gray = gray e,
stack = r,
sccs = insert (set l) (sccs e1),
sn = sn e1,
num = set_infty l (num e1) ⦈ )))"
| "dfs roots e =
(if roots = {} then (∞, e)
(let x = SOME x. x ∈ roots;
res1 = (if num e x ≠ -1 then (num e x, e) else dfs1 x e);
res2 = dfs (roots - {x}) (snd res1)
in (min (fst res1) (fst res2), snd res2) ))"
by pat_completeness auto
definition init_env where
"init_env ≡ ⦇ black = {}, gray = {},
stack = [], sccs = {},
sn = 0, num = λ_. -1 ⦈"
definition tarjan where
"tarjan ≡ sccs (snd (dfs vertices init_env))"
subsection ‹Well-definedness of the functions›
text ‹
We did not prove termination when we defined the two mutually
recursive functions @{text dfs1} and @{text dfs} defined above,
and indeed it is easy to see that they do not terminate for
arbitrary arguments. Isabelle allows us to define ``partial''
recursive functions, for which it introduces an auxiliary
domain predicate that characterizes their domain of definition.
We now make this more concrete and prove that the two functions
terminate when called for nodes of the graph, also assuming an
elementary well-definedness condition for environments. These
conditions are met in the cases of interest, and in particular
in the call to @{text dfs} in the main function @{text tarjan}.
Intuitively, the reason is that every (possibly indirect)
recursive call to @{text dfs} either decreases the set of roots
or increases the set of nodes colored black or gray.
text ‹
The set of nodes colored black never decreases in the course
of the computation.
lemma black_increasing:
"dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e)) ⟹ black e ⊆ black (snd (dfs1 x e))"
"dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots,e)) ⟹ black e ⊆ black (snd (dfs roots e))"
by (induct rule: dfs1_dfs.pinduct,
(fastforce simp: dfs1.psimps dfs.psimps case_prod_beta
add_black_def add_stack_incr_def)+)
text ‹
Similarly, the set of nodes colored black or gray
never decreases in the course of the computation.
lemma colored_increasing:
"dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e)) ⟹
colored e ⊆ colored (snd (dfs1 x e)) ∧
colored (add_stack_incr x e)
⊆ colored (snd (dfs (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)))"
"dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots,e)) ⟹
colored e ⊆ colored (snd (dfs roots e))"
proof (induct rule: dfs1_dfs.pinduct)
case (1 x e)
from `dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e))`
have "black e ⊆ black (snd (dfs1 x e))"
by (rule black_increasing)
with 1 show ?case
by (auto simp: dfs1.psimps case_prod_beta add_stack_incr_def
add_black_def colored_def)
case (2 roots e) then show ?case
by (fastforce simp: dfs.psimps case_prod_beta)
text ‹
The functions @{text dfs1} and @{text dfs} never assign the
number of a vertex to -1.
lemma dfs_num_defined:
"⟦dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e)); num (snd (dfs1 x e)) v = -1⟧ ⟹
num e v = -1"
"⟦dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots,e)); num (snd (dfs roots e)) v = -1⟧ ⟹
num e v = -1"
by (induct rule: dfs1_dfs.pinduct,
(auto simp: dfs1.psimps dfs.psimps case_prod_beta add_stack_incr_def
add_black_def set_infty
split: if_split_asm))
text ‹
We are only interested in environments that assign positive
numbers to colored nodes, and we show that calls to @{text dfs1}
and @{text dfs} preserve this property.
definition colored_num where
"colored_num e ≡ ∀v ∈ colored e. v ∈ vertices ∧ num e v ≠ -1"
lemma colored_num:
"⟦dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e)); x ∈ vertices; colored_num e⟧ ⟹
colored_num (snd (dfs1 x e))"
"⟦dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots,e)); roots ⊆ vertices; colored_num e⟧ ⟹
colored_num (snd (dfs roots e))"
proof (induct rule: dfs1_dfs.pinduct)
case (1 x e)
let ?rec = "dfs (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)"
from sclosed `x ∈ vertices`
have "successors x ⊆ vertices" ..
from `colored_num e` `x ∈ vertices`
have "colored_num (add_stack_incr x e)"
by (auto simp: colored_num_def add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
have rec: "colored_num (snd ?rec)"
using 1 by blast
have x: "x ∈ colored (add_stack_incr x e)"
by (simp add: add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
from `dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e))` colored_increasing
have colrec: "colored (add_stack_incr x e) ⊆ colored (snd ?rec)"
by blast
show ?case
proof (cases "fst ?rec < int (sn e)")
case True
with rec x colrec `dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e))` show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs1.psimps case_prod_beta
colored_num_def add_black_def colored_def)
case False
let ?e' = "snd (dfs1 x e)"
have "colored e ⊆ colored (add_stack_incr x e)"
by (auto simp: colored_def add_stack_incr_def)
with False x colrec `dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x,e))`
have "colored ?e' ⊆ colored (snd ?rec)"
"∃xs. num ?e' = set_infty xs (num (snd ?rec))"
by (auto simp: dfs1.psimps case_prod_beta colored_def)
with rec show ?thesis
by (auto simp: colored_num_def set_infty split: if_split_asm)
case (2 roots e)
show ?case
proof (cases "roots = {}")
case True
with `dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots,e))` `colored_num e`
show ?thesis by (auto simp: dfs.psimps)
case False
let ?x = "SOME x. x ∈ roots"
from False obtain r where "r ∈ roots" by blast
hence "?x ∈ roots" by (rule someI)
with `roots ⊆ vertices` have x: "?x ∈ vertices" ..
let ?res1 = "if num e ?x ≠ -1 then (num e ?x, e) else dfs1 ?x e"
let ?res2 = "dfs (roots - {?x}) (snd ?res1)"
from 2 False `roots ⊆ vertices` x
have "colored_num (snd ?res1)" by auto
with 2 False `roots ⊆ vertices`
have "colored_num (snd ?res2)"
by blast
from False `dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots,e))`
have "dfs roots e = (min (fst ?res1) (fst ?res2), snd ?res2)"
by (auto simp: dfs.psimps)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
text ‹
The following relation underlies the termination argument used
for proving well-definedness of the functions @{text dfs1} and
@{text dfs}. It is defined on the disjoint sum of the types of
arguments of the two functions and relates the arguments of
(mutually) recursive calls.
definition dfs1_dfs_term where
"dfs1_dfs_term ≡
{ (Inl(x, e::'v env), Inr(roots,e)) |
x e roots .
roots ⊆ vertices ∧ x ∈ roots ∧ colored e ⊆ vertices }
∪ { (Inr(roots, add_stack_incr x e), Inl(x, e)) |
x e roots .
colored e ⊆ vertices ∧ x ∈ vertices - colored e }
∪ { (Inr(roots, e::'v env), Inr(roots', e')) |
roots roots' e e' .
roots' ⊆ vertices ∧ roots ⊂ roots' ∧
colored e' ⊆ colored e ∧ colored e ⊆ vertices }"
text ‹
In order to prove that the above relation is well-founded, we
use the following function that embeds it into triples whose first
component is the complement of the colored nodes, whose second
component is the set of root nodes, and whose third component
is 1 or 2 depending on the function being called. The third
component corresponds to the first case in the definition of
@{text dfs1_dfs_term}.
fun dfs1_dfs_to_tuple where
"dfs1_dfs_to_tuple (Inl(x::'v, e::'v env)) = (vertices - colored e, {x}, 1::nat)"
| "dfs1_dfs_to_tuple (Inr(roots, e::'v env)) = (vertices - colored e, roots, 2)"
lemma wf_term: "wf dfs1_dfs_term"
proof -
let ?r = "(finite_psubset :: ('v set × 'v set) set)
<*lex*> (finite_psubset :: ('v set × 'v set) set)
<*lex*> pred_nat"
have "wf ?r"
using wf_finite_psubset wf_pred_nat by blast
have "dfs1_dfs_term ⊆ inv_image ?r dfs1_dfs_to_tuple"
unfolding dfs1_dfs_term_def pred_nat_def using vfin
by (auto dest: finite_subset simp: add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using wf_inv_image wf_subset by blast
text ‹
The following theorem establishes sufficient conditions under
which the two functions @{text dfs1} and @{text dfs} terminate.
The proof proceeds by well-founded induction using the relation
@{text dfs1_dfs_term} and makes use of the theorem
@{text dfs1_dfs.domintros} that was generated by Isabelle from
the mutually recursive definitions in order to characterize the
domain conditions for these functions.
theorem dfs1_dfs_termination:
"⟦x ∈ vertices - colored e; colored_num e⟧ ⟹ dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl(x, e))"
"⟦roots ⊆ vertices; colored_num e⟧ ⟹ dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr(roots, e))"
proof -
{ fix args
have "(case args
of Inl(x,e) ⇒
x ∈ vertices - colored e ∧ colored_num e
| Inr(roots,e) ⇒
roots ⊆ vertices ∧ colored_num e)
⟶ dfs1_dfs_dom args" (is "?P args ⟶ ?Q args")
proof (rule wf_induct[OF wf_term])
fix arg :: "('v × 'v env) + ('v set × 'v env)"
assume ih: "∀arg'. (arg',arg) ∈ dfs1_dfs_term
⟶ (?P arg' ⟶ ?Q arg')"
show "?P arg ⟶ ?Q arg"
assume P: "?P arg"
show "?Q arg"
proof (cases arg)
case (Inl a)
then obtain x e where a: "arg = Inl(x,e)"
using dfs1.cases by metis
have "?Q (Inl(x,e))"
proof (rule dfs1_dfs.domintros)
let ?recarg = "Inr (successors x, add_stack_incr x e)"
from a P have "(?recarg, arg) ∈ dfs1_dfs_term"
by (auto simp: add_stack_incr_def colored_num_def dfs1_dfs_term_def)
from a P sclosed have "?P ?recarg"
by (auto simp: add_stack_incr_def colored_num_def colored_def)
ultimately show "?Q ?recarg"
using ih by auto
with a show ?thesis by simp
case (Inr b)
then obtain roots e where b: "arg = Inr(roots,e)"
using dfs.cases by metis
let ?sx = "SOME x. x ∈ roots"
let ?rec1arg = "Inl (?sx, e)"
let ?rec2arg = "Inr (roots - {?sx}, e)"
let ?rec3arg = "Inr (roots - {?sx}, snd (dfs1 ?sx e))"
have "?Q (Inr(roots,e))"
proof (rule dfs1_dfs.domintros)
fix x
assume 1: "x ∈ roots"
and 2: "num e ?sx = -1"
and 3: "¬ dfs1_dfs_dom ?rec1arg"
from 1 have sx: "?sx ∈ roots" by (rule someI)
with P b have "(?rec1arg, arg) ∈ dfs1_dfs_term"
by (auto simp: dfs1_dfs_term_def colored_num_def)
from sx 2 P b have "?P ?rec1arg"
by (auto simp: colored_num_def)
ultimately show False
using ih 3 by auto
fix x
assume "x ∈ roots"
hence sx: "?sx ∈ roots" by (rule someI)
from sx b P have "(?rec2arg, arg) ∈ dfs1_dfs_term"
by (auto simp: dfs1_dfs_term_def colored_num_def)
from P b have "?P ?rec2arg" by auto
ultimately show "dfs1_dfs_dom ?rec2arg"
using ih by auto
fix x
assume 1: "x ∈ roots" and 2: "num e ?sx = -1"
from 1 have sx: "?sx ∈ roots" by (rule someI)
have "dfs1_dfs_dom ?rec1arg"
proof -
from sx P b have "(?rec1arg, arg) ∈ dfs1_dfs_term"
by (auto simp: dfs1_dfs_term_def colored_num_def)
from sx 2 P b have "?P ?rec1arg"
by (auto simp: colored_num_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ih by auto
with P b sx have "colored_num (snd (dfs1 ?sx e))"
by (auto elim: colored_num)
from this sx b P `dfs1_dfs_dom ?rec1arg`
have "(?rec3arg, arg) ∈ dfs1_dfs_term"
by (auto simp: dfs1_dfs_term_def colored_num_def
dest: colored_increasing)
from this P b `colored_num (snd (dfs1 ?sx e))`
have "?P ?rec3arg" by auto
ultimately show "dfs1_dfs_dom ?rec3arg"
using ih by auto
with b show ?thesis by simp
note dom = this
from dom
show "⟦x ∈ vertices - colored e; colored_num e⟧ ⟹ dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl(x,e))"
by auto
from dom
show "⟦roots ⊆ vertices; colored_num e⟧ ⟹ dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr(roots,e))"
by auto
section {* Auxiliary notions for the proof of partial correctness *}
text ‹
The proof of partial correctness is more challenging and requires
some further concepts that we now define.
We need to reason about the relative order of elements in a list
(specifically, the stack used in the algorithm).
definition precedes ("_ ≼ _ in _" [100,100,100] 39) where
"x ≼ y in xs ≡ ∃l r. xs = l @ (x # r) ∧ y ∈ set (x # r)"
lemma precedes_mem:
assumes "x ≼ y in xs"
shows "x ∈ set xs" "y ∈ set xs"
using assms unfolding precedes_def by auto
lemma head_precedes:
assumes "y ∈ set (x # xs)"
shows "x ≼ y in (x # xs)"
using assms unfolding precedes_def by force
lemma precedes_in_tail:
assumes "x ≠ z"
shows "x ≼ y in (z # zs) ⟷ x ≼ y in zs"
using assms unfolding precedes_def by (auto simp: Cons_eq_append_conv)
lemma tail_not_precedes:
assumes "y ≼ x in (x # xs)" "x ∉ set xs"
shows "x = y"
using assms unfolding precedes_def
by (metis Cons_eq_append_conv Un_iff list.inject set_append)
lemma split_list_precedes:
assumes "y ∈ set (ys @ [x])"
shows "y ≼ x in (ys @ x # xs)"
using assms unfolding precedes_def
by (metis append_Cons append_assoc in_set_conv_decomp
rotate1.simps(2) set_ConsD set_rotate1)
lemma precedes_refl [simp]: "(x ≼ x in xs) = (x ∈ set xs)"
assume "x ≼ x in xs" thus "x ∈ set xs"
by (simp add: precedes_mem)
assume "x ∈ set xs"
from this[THEN split_list] show "x ≼ x in xs"
unfolding precedes_def by auto
lemma precedes_append_left:
assumes "x ≼ y in xs"
shows "x ≼ y in (ys @ xs)"
using assms unfolding precedes_def by (metis append.assoc)
lemma precedes_append_left_iff:
assumes "x ∉ set ys"
shows "x ≼ y in (ys @ xs) ⟷ x ≼ y in xs" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume "?lhs"
then obtain l r where lr: "ys @ xs = l @ (x # r)" "y ∈ set (x # r)"
unfolding precedes_def by blast
then obtain us where
"(ys = l @ us ∧ us @ xs = x # r) ∨ (ys @ us = l ∧ xs = us @ (x # r))"
by (auto simp: append_eq_append_conv2)
thus ?rhs
assume us: "ys = l @ us ∧ us @ xs = x # r"
with assms have "us = []"
by (metis Cons_eq_append_conv in_set_conv_decomp)
with us lr show ?rhs
unfolding precedes_def by auto
assume us: "ys @ us = l ∧ xs = us @ (x # r)"
with ‹y ∈ set (x # r)› show ?rhs
unfolding precedes_def by blast
assume "?rhs" thus "?lhs" by (rule precedes_append_left)
lemma precedes_append_right:
assumes "x ≼ y in xs"
shows "x ≼ y in (xs @ ys)"
using assms unfolding precedes_def by force
lemma precedes_append_right_iff:
assumes "y ∉ set ys"
shows "x ≼ y in (xs @ ys) ⟷ x ≼ y in xs" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then obtain l r where lr: "xs @ ys = l @ (x # r)" "y ∈ set (x # r)"
unfolding precedes_def by blast
then obtain us where
"(xs = l @ us ∧ us @ ys = x # r) ∨ (xs @ us = l ∧ ys = us @ (x # r))"
by (auto simp: append_eq_append_conv2)
thus ?rhs
assume us: "xs = l @ us ∧ us @ ys = x # r"
with ‹y ∈ set (x # r)› assms show ?rhs
unfolding precedes_def by (metis Cons_eq_append_conv Un_iff set_append)
assume us: "xs @ us = l ∧ ys = us @ (x # r)"
with ‹y ∈ set (x # r)› assms
show ?rhs by auto
assume ?rhs thus ?lhs by (rule precedes_append_right)
text ‹
Precedence determines an order on the elements of a list,
provided elements have unique occurrences. However, consider
a list such as @{term "[2,3,1,2]"}: then $1$ precedes $2$ and
$2$ precedes $3$, but $1$ does not precede $3$.
lemma precedes_trans:
assumes "x ≼ y in xs" and "y ≼ z in xs" and "distinct xs"
shows "x ≼ z in xs"
using assms unfolding precedes_def
by (smt Un_iff append.assoc append_Cons_eq_iff distinct_append
not_distinct_conv_prefix set_append split_list_last)
lemma precedes_antisym:
assumes "x ≼ y in xs" and "y ≼ x in xs" and "distinct xs"
shows "x = y"
proof -
from ‹x ≼ y in xs› ‹distinct xs› obtain as bs where
1: "xs = as @ (x # bs)" "y ∈ set (x # bs)" "y ∉ set as"
unfolding precedes_def by force
from ‹y ≼ x in xs› ‹distinct xs› obtain cs ds where
2: "xs = cs @ (y # ds)" "x ∈ set (y # ds)" "x ∉ set cs"
unfolding precedes_def by force
from 1 2 have "as @ (x # bs) = cs @ (y # ds)"
by simp
then obtain zs where
"(as = cs @ zs ∧ zs @ (x # bs) = y # ds)
∨ (as @ zs = cs ∧ x # bs = zs @ (y # ds))" (is "?P ∨ ?Q")
by (auto simp: append_eq_append_conv2)
then show ?thesis
assume "?P" with ‹y ∉ set as› show ?thesis
by (cases "zs") auto
assume "?Q" with ‹x ∉ set cs› show ?thesis
by (cases "zs") auto
section {* Predicates and lemmas about environments *}
definition subenv where
"subenv e e' ≡
(∃s. stack e' = s @ (stack e) ∧ set s ⊆ black e')
∧ black e ⊆ black e' ∧ gray e = gray e'
∧ sccs e ⊆ sccs e'
∧ (∀x ∈ set (stack e). num e x = num e' x)"
lemma subenv_refl [simp]: "subenv e e"
by (auto simp: subenv_def)
lemma subenv_trans:
assumes "subenv e e'" and "subenv e' e''"
shows "subenv e e''"
using assms unfolding subenv_def by force
definition wf_color where
"wf_color e ≡
colored e ⊆ vertices
∧ black e ∩ gray e = {}
∧ (⋃ sccs e) ⊆ black e
∧ set (stack e) = gray e ∪ (black e - ⋃ sccs e)"
definition wf_num where
"wf_num e ≡
int (sn e) ≤ ∞
∧ (∀x. -1 ≤ num e x ∧ (num e x = ∞ ∨ num e x < int (sn e)))
∧ sn e = card (colored e)
∧ (∀x. num e x = ∞ ⟷ x ∈ ⋃ sccs e)
∧ (∀x. num e x = -1 ⟷ x ∉ colored e)
∧ (∀x ∈ set (stack e). ∀y ∈ set (stack e).
(num e x ≤ num e y ⟷ y ≼ x in (stack e)))"
lemma subenv_num:
assumes sub: "subenv e e'"
and e: "wf_color e" "wf_num e"
and e': "wf_color e'" "wf_num e'"
shows "num e x ≤ num e' x"
proof (cases "x ∈ colored e")
case True then show ?thesis unfolding colored_def
assume "x ∈ gray e"
with e sub show ?thesis
by (auto simp: wf_color_def subenv_def)
assume "x ∈ black e"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "x ∈ ⋃ sccs e")
case True
with sub e e' have "num e x = ∞" "num e' x = ∞"
by (auto simp: subenv_def wf_num_def)
thus ?thesis by simp
case False
with ‹x ∈ black e› e sub show ?thesis
by (auto simp: wf_color_def subenv_def)
case False with e e' show ?thesis
unfolding wf_num_def by metis
definition no_black_to_white where
"no_black_to_white e ≡ ∀x y. edge x y ∧ x ∈ black e ⟶ y ∈ colored e"
definition wf_env where
"wf_env e ≡
wf_color e ∧ wf_num e
∧ no_black_to_white e ∧ distinct (stack e)
∧ (∀x y. y ≼ x in (stack e) ⟶ reachable x y)
∧ (∀y ∈ set (stack e). ∃g ∈ gray e. y ≼ g in (stack e) ∧ reachable y g)
∧ sccs e = { C . C ⊆ black e ∧ is_scc C }"
lemma num_in_stack:
assumes "wf_env e" and "x ∈ set (stack e)"
shows "num e x ≠ -1"
"num e x < int (sn e)"
proof -
from assms
show "num e x ≠ -1"
by (auto simp: wf_env_def wf_color_def wf_num_def colored_def)
from `wf_env e`
have "num e x < int (sn e) ∨ x ∈ ⋃ sccs e"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def by metis
with assms show "num e x < int (sn e)"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_color_def by blast
text ‹
Numbers assigned to different stack elements are distinct.
lemma num_inj:
assumes "wf_env e" and "x ∈ set (stack e)"
and "y ∈ set (stack e)" and "num e x = num e y"
shows "x = y"
using assms unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def
by (metis precedes_refl precedes_antisym)
text ‹
The set of black elements at the top of the stack together
with the first gray element always form a sub-SCC. This lemma
is useful for the ``else'' branch of @{text dfs1}.
lemma first_gray_yields_subscc:
assumes e: "wf_env e"
and x: "stack e = ys @ (x # zs)"
and g: "x ∈ gray e"
and ys: "set ys ⊆ black e"
shows "is_subscc (insert x (set ys))"
proof -
from e x have "∀y ∈ set ys. ∃g ∈ gray e. reachable y g"
unfolding wf_env_def by force
have "∀g ∈ gray e. reachable g x"
fix g
assume "g ∈ gray e"
with e x ys have "g ∈ set (x # zs)"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_color_def by auto
with e x show "reachable g x"
unfolding wf_env_def precedes_def by blast
from e x g have "∀y ∈ set ys. reachable x y"
unfolding wf_env_def by (simp add: split_list_precedes)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding is_subscc_def
by (metis reachable_trans reachable_refl insertE)
section ‹Partial correctness of the main functions›
text ‹
We now define the pre- and post-conditions for proving that
the functions @{text dfs1} and @{text dfs} are partially correct.
The parameters of the preconditions, as well as the first parameters
of the postconditions, coincide with the parameters of the
functions @{text dfs1} and @{text dfs}. The final parameter of
the postconditions represents the result computed by the function.
definition dfs1_pre where
"dfs1_pre x e ≡
x ∈ vertices
∧ x ∉ colored e
∧ (∀g ∈ gray e. reachable g x)
∧ wf_env e"
definition dfs1_post where
"dfs1_post x e res ≡
let n = fst res; e' = snd res
in wf_env e'
∧ subenv e e'
∧ x ∈ black e'
∧ n ≤ num e' x
∧ (n = ∞ ∨ (∃y ∈ set (stack e'). num e' y = n ∧ reachable x y))
∧ (∀y. xedge_to (stack e') (stack e) y ⟶ n ≤ num e' y)"
definition dfs_pre where
"dfs_pre roots e ≡
roots ⊆ vertices
∧ (∀x ∈ roots. ∀g ∈ gray e. reachable g x)
∧ wf_env e"
definition dfs_post where
"dfs_post roots e res ≡
let n = fst res; e' = snd res
in wf_env e'
∧ subenv e e'
∧ roots ⊆ colored e'
∧ (∀x ∈ roots. n ≤ num e' x)
∧ (n = ∞ ∨ (∃x ∈ roots. ∃y ∈ set (stack e'). num e' y = n ∧ reachable x y))
∧ (∀y. xedge_to (stack e') (stack e) y ⟶ n ≤ num e' y)"
text ‹
The following lemmas express some useful consequences of the
pre- and post-conditions. In particular, the preconditions
ensure that the function calls terminate.
lemma dfs1_pre_domain:
assumes "dfs1_pre x e"
shows "colored e ⊆ vertices"
"x ∈ vertices - colored e"
"x ∉ set (stack e)"
"int (sn e) < ∞"
using assms vfin
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def wf_num_def colored_def
by (auto intro: psubset_card_mono)
lemma dfs1_pre_dfs1_dom:
"dfs1_pre x e ⟹ dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl(x,e))"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def wf_num_def
by (auto simp: colored_num_def intro!: dfs1_dfs_termination)
lemma dfs_pre_dfs_dom:
"dfs_pre roots e ⟹ dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr(roots,e))"
unfolding dfs_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def wf_num_def
by (auto simp: colored_num_def intro!: dfs1_dfs_termination)
lemma dfs_post_stack:
assumes "dfs_post roots e res"
obtains s where
"stack (snd res) = s @ stack e"
"set s ⊆ black (snd res)"
"∀x ∈ set (stack e). num (snd res) x = num e x"
using assms unfolding dfs_post_def subenv_def by auto
lemma dfs_post_split:
fixes x e res
defines "n' ≡ fst res"
defines "e' ≡ snd res"
defines "l ≡ fst (split_list x (stack e'))"
defines "r ≡ snd (split_list x (stack e'))"
assumes post: "dfs_post (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) res"
(is "dfs_post ?roots ?e res")
obtains ys where
"l = ys @ [x]"
"x ∉ set ys"
"set ys ⊆ black e'"
"stack e' = l @ r"
"is_subscc (set l)"
"r = stack e"
proof -
from post have dist: "distinct (stack e')"
unfolding dfs_post_def wf_env_def e'_def by auto
from post obtain s where
s: "stack e' = s @ (x # stack e)" "set s ⊆ black e'"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def e'_def
by (auto intro: dfs_post_stack)
then obtain ys where ys: "l = ys @ [x]" "x ∉ set ys" "stack e' = l @ r"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def l_def r_def
by (metis in_set_conv_decomp split_list_concat fst_split_list)
with s have l: "l = (s @ [x]) ∧ r = stack e"
by (metis dist append.assoc append.simps(1) append.simps(2)
append_Cons_eq_iff distinct.simps(2) distinct_append)
from post have "wf_env e'" "x ∈ gray e'"
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def subenv_def add_stack_incr_def e'_def)
with s l have "is_subscc (set l)"
by (auto simp: add_stack_incr_def intro: first_gray_yields_subscc)
with s ys l that show ?thesis by auto
text {*
A crucial lemma establishing a condition after the ``then'' branch
following the recursive call in function @{text dfs1}.
lemma dfs_post_reach_gray:
fixes x e res
defines "n' ≡ fst res"
defines "e' ≡ snd res"
assumes e: "wf_env e"
and post: "dfs_post (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) res"
(is "dfs_post ?roots ?e res")
and n': "n' < int (sn e)"
obtains g where
"g ≠ x" "g ∈ gray e'" "x ≼ g in (stack e')"
"reachable x g" "reachable g x"
proof -
from post have e': "wf_env e'" "subenv ?e e'"
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def e'_def)
hence x_e': "x ∈ set (stack e')" "x ∈ vertices" "num e' x = int(sn e)"
by (auto simp: add_stack_incr_def subenv_def wf_env_def wf_color_def colored_def)
from e n' have "n' ≠ ∞"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def by simp
with post e' obtain sx y g where
g: "sx ∈ ?roots" "y ∈ set (stack e')" "num e' y = n'" "reachable sx y"
"g ∈ gray e'" "g ∈ set (stack e')" "y ≼ g in (stack e')" "reachable y g"
unfolding dfs_post_def e'_def n'_def wf_env_def
by (fastforce intro: precedes_mem )
with e' have "num e' g ≤ num e' y"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def by metis
with n' x_e' ‹num e' y = n'›
have "num e' g ≤ num e' x" "g ≠ x" by auto
with ‹g ∈ set (stack e')› ‹x ∈ set (stack e')› e'
have "g ≠ x ∧ x ≼ g in (stack e') ∧ reachable g x"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def by auto
from g have "reachable x g"
by (metis reachable_succ reachable_trans)
note ‹g ∈ gray e'› that
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
text {*
The following lemmas represent steps in the proof of partial correctness.
lemma dfs1_pre_dfs_pre:
assumes "dfs1_pre x e"
shows "dfs_pre (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)"
(is "dfs_pre ?roots' ?e'")
proof -
from assms sclosed have "?roots' ⊆ vertices"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def by blast
from assms have "∀y ∈ ?roots'. ∀g ∈ gray ?e'. reachable g y"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def add_stack_incr_def
by (auto dest: succ_reachable reachable_trans)
from assms have wf_col': "wf_color ?e'"
by (auto simp: dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def
add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
note 1 = dfs1_pre_domain[OF assms]
from assms 1 have dist': "distinct (stack ?e')"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def add_stack_incr_def by auto
from assms have 3: "sn e = card (colored e)"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def by simp
from 1 have 4: "int (sn ?e') ≤ ∞"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def by simp
with assms have 5: "∀x. -1 ≤ num ?e' x ∧ (num ?e' x = ∞ ∨ num ?e' x < int (sn ?e'))"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def add_stack_incr_def by auto
from 1 vfin have "finite (colored e)" using finite_subset by blast
with 1 3 have 6: "sn ?e' = card (colored ?e')"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def colored_def by auto
from assms 1 3 have 7: "∀y. num ?e' y = ∞ ⟷ y ∈ ⋃ sccs ?e'"
by (auto simp: dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def
add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
from assms 3 have 8: "∀y. num ?e' y = -1 ⟷ y ∉ colored ?e'"
by (auto simp: dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
from assms 1 have "∀y ∈ set (stack e). num ?e' y < num ?e' x"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def add_stack_incr_def
by (auto dest: num_in_stack)
have "∀y ∈ set (stack e). x ≼ y in (stack ?e')"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def by (auto intro: head_precedes)
from 1 have "∀y ∈ set (stack e). ¬(y ≼ x in (stack ?e'))"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def by (auto dest: tail_not_precedes)
fix y z
assume "y ∈ set (stack e)" "z ∈ set (stack e)"
with 1 have "x ≠ y" by auto
hence "y ≼ z in (stack ?e') ⟷ y ≼ z in (stack e)"
by (simp add: add_stack_incr_def precedes_in_tail)
have 9: "∀y ∈ set (stack ?e'). ∀z ∈ set (stack ?e').
num ?e' y ≤ num ?e' z ⟷ z ≼ y in (stack ?e')"
using assms
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def add_stack_incr_def
by auto
from 4 5 6 7 8 9 have wf_num': "wf_num ?e'"
unfolding wf_num_def by blast
from assms have nbtw': "no_black_to_white ?e'"
by (auto simp: dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def no_black_to_white_def
add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
have stg': "∀y ∈ set (stack ?e'). ∃g ∈ gray ?e'.
y ≼ g in (stack ?e') ∧ reachable y g"
fix y
assume y: "y ∈ set (stack ?e')"
show "∃g ∈ gray ?e'. y ≼ g in (stack ?e') ∧ reachable y g"
proof (cases "y = x")
case True
then show ?thesis
unfolding add_stack_incr_def by auto
case False
with y have "y ∈ set (stack e)"
by (simp add: add_stack_incr_def)
with assms obtain g where
"g ∈ gray e ∧ y ≼ g in (stack e) ∧ reachable y g"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding add_stack_incr_def
by (auto dest: precedes_append_left[where ys="[x]"])
have str': "∀y z. y ≼ z in (stack ?e') ⟶ reachable z y"
proof (clarify)
fix y z
assume yz: "y ≼ z in stack ?e'"
show "reachable z y"
proof (cases "y = x")
case True
from yz[THEN precedes_mem(2)] stg'
obtain g where "g ∈ gray ?e'" "reachable z g" by blast
with True assms show ?thesis
unfolding dfs1_pre_def add_stack_incr_def
by (auto elim: reachable_trans)
case False
with yz have yze: "y ≼ z in stack e"
by (simp add: add_stack_incr_def precedes_in_tail)
with assms show ?thesis
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def by blast
from assms have "sccs (add_stack_incr x e) =
{C . C ⊆ black (add_stack_incr x e) ∧ is_scc C}"
by (auto simp: dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def add_stack_incr_def)
with wf_col' wf_num' nbtw' dist' str' stg'
have "wf_env ?e'"
unfolding wf_env_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding dfs_pre_def by blast
lemma dfs_pre_dfs1_pre:
assumes "dfs_pre roots e" and "x ∈ roots" and "num e x = -1"
shows "dfs1_pre x e"
using assms unfolding dfs_pre_def dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def by auto
text ‹
Prove the post-condition of @{text dfs1} for the ``then'' branch
in the definition of @{text dfs1}, assuming that the recursive call
to @{text dfs} establishes its post-condition.
lemma dfs_post_dfs1_post_case1:
fixes x e
defines "res1 ≡ dfs (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)"
defines "n1 ≡ fst res1"
defines "e1 ≡ snd res1"
defines "res ≡ dfs1 x e"
assumes pre: "dfs1_pre x e"
and post: "dfs_post (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) res1"
and lt: "fst res1 < int (sn e)"
shows "dfs1_post x e res"
proof -
let ?e' = "add_black x e1"
from pre have dom: "dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x, e))"
by (rule dfs1_pre_dfs1_dom)
from lt dom have dfs1: "res = (n1, ?e')"
by (simp add: res1_def n1_def e1_def res_def case_prod_beta dfs1.psimps)
from post have wf_env1: "wf_env e1"
unfolding dfs_post_def e1_def by auto
from post obtain s where s: "stack e1 = s @ stack (add_stack_incr x e)"
unfolding e1_def by (blast intro: dfs_post_stack)
from post have x_e1: "x ∈ set (stack e1)"
by (auto intro: dfs_post_stack simp: e1_def add_stack_incr_def)
from post have se1: "subenv (add_stack_incr x e) e1"
unfolding dfs_post_def by (simp add: e1_def split_def)
from pre lt post obtain g where
g: "g ≠ x" "g ∈ gray e1" "x ≼ g in (stack e1)"
"reachable x g" "reachable g x"
unfolding e1_def using dfs_post_reach_gray dfs1_pre_def by blast
have wf_env': "wf_env ?e'"
proof -
from wf_env1 dfs1_pre_domain[OF pre] x_e1 have "wf_color ?e'"
by (auto simp: dfs_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def add_black_def colored_def)
from se1
have "x ∈ gray e1" "colored ?e' = colored e1"
by (auto simp: subenv_def add_stack_incr_def add_black_def colored_def)
with wf_env1 have "wf_num ?e'"
unfolding dfs_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def add_black_def by auto
from post wf_env1 have "no_black_to_white ?e'"
unfolding dfs_post_def wf_env_def no_black_to_white_def
add_black_def e1_def subenv_def colored_def
by auto
fix y
assume "y ∈ set (stack ?e')"
hence y: "y ∈ set (stack e1)" by (simp add: add_black_def)
with wf_env1 obtain z where
z: "z ∈ gray e1"
"y ≼ z in stack e1"
"reachable y z"
unfolding wf_env_def by blast
have "∃g ∈ gray ?e'.
y ≼ g in (stack ?e') ∧ reachable y g"
proof (cases "z ∈ gray ?e'")
case True with z show ?thesis by (auto simp: add_black_def)
case False
with z have "z = x" by (simp add: add_black_def)
with g z wf_env1 show ?thesis
unfolding wf_env_def add_black_def
by (auto elim: reachable_trans precedes_trans)
have "sccs ?e' = {C . C ⊆ black ?e' ∧ is_scc C}"
proof -
fix C
assume "C ∈ sccs ?e'"
with post have "is_scc C ∧ C ⊆ black ?e'"
unfolding dfs_post_def wf_env_def add_black_def e1_def by auto
fix C
assume C: "is_scc C" "C ⊆ black ?e'"
have "x ∉ C"
assume xC: "x ∈ C"
with ‹is_scc C› g have "g ∈ C"
unfolding is_scc_def by (auto dest: subscc_add)
with wf_env1 g ‹C ⊆ black ?e'› show "False"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_color_def add_black_def by auto
with post C have "C ∈ sccs ?e'"
unfolding dfs_post_def wf_env_def add_black_def e1_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using wf_env1 unfolding wf_env_def add_black_def by auto
from pre have "x ∉ set (stack e)" "x ∉ gray e"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def colored_def by auto
with se1 have subenv': "subenv e ?e'"
unfolding subenv_def add_stack_incr_def add_black_def
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
have xblack': "x ∈ black ?e'"
unfolding add_black_def by simp
from lt have "n1 < num (add_stack_incr x e) x"
unfolding add_stack_incr_def n1_def by simp
also have "… = num e1 x"
using se1 unfolding subenv_def add_stack_incr_def by auto
finally have xnum': "n1 ≤ num ?e' x"
unfolding add_black_def by simp
from lt pre have "n1 ≠ ∞"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def n1_def by simp
with post obtain sx y where
"sx ∈ successors x" "y ∈ set (stack ?e')" "num ?e' y = n1" "reachable sx y"
unfolding dfs_post_def add_black_def n1_def e1_def by auto
with dfs1_pre_domain[OF pre]
have n1': "∃y ∈ set (stack ?e'). num ?e' y = n1 ∧ reachable x y"
by (auto intro: reachable_trans)
fix y
assume "xedge_to (stack ?e') (stack e) y"
then obtain zs z where
y: "stack ?e' = zs @ (stack e)" "z ∈ set zs" "y ∈ set (stack e)" "edge z y"
unfolding xedge_to_def by auto
have "n1 ≤ num ?e' y"
proof (cases "z=x")
case True
with ‹edge z y› post show ?thesis
unfolding dfs_post_def add_black_def n1_def e1_def by auto
case False
with s y have "xedge_to (stack e1) (stack (add_stack_incr x e)) y"
unfolding xedge_to_def add_black_def add_stack_incr_def by auto
with post show ?thesis
unfolding dfs_post_def add_black_def n1_def e1_def by auto
with dfs1 wf_env' subenv' xblack' xnum' n1'
show ?thesis unfolding dfs1_post_def by simp
text ‹
Prove the post-condition of @{text dfs1} for the ``else'' branch
in the definition of @{text dfs1}, assuming that the recursive call
to @{text dfs} establishes its post-condition.
lemma dfs_post_dfs1_post_case2:
fixes x e
defines "res1 ≡ dfs (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)"
defines "n1 ≡ fst res1"
defines "e1 ≡ snd res1"
defines "res ≡ dfs1 x e"
assumes pre: "dfs1_pre x e"
and post: "dfs_post (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) res1"
and nlt: "¬(n1 < int (sn e))"
shows "dfs1_post x e res"
proof -
let ?split = "split_list x (stack e1)"
let ?e' = "⦇ black = insert x (black e1),
gray = gray e,
stack = snd ?split,
sccs = insert (set (fst ?split)) (sccs e1),
sn = sn e1,
num = set_infty (fst ?split) (num e1) ⦈"
from pre have dom: "dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl (x, e))"
by (rule dfs1_pre_dfs1_dom)
from dom nlt have res: "res = (∞, ?e')"
by (simp add: res1_def n1_def e1_def res_def case_prod_beta dfs1.psimps)
from post have wf_e1: "wf_env e1" "subenv (add_stack_incr x e) e1"
"successors x ⊆ colored e1"
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def e1_def)
hence gray': "gray e1 = insert x (gray e)"
by (auto simp: subenv_def add_stack_incr_def)
from post obtain l where
l: "fst ?split = l @ [x]"
"x ∉ set l"
"set l ⊆ black e1"
"stack e1 = fst ?split @ snd ?split"
"is_subscc (set (fst ?split))"
"snd ?split = stack e"
unfolding e1_def by (blast intro: dfs_post_split)
hence x: "x ∈ set (stack e1)" by auto
from l have stack: "set (stack e) ⊆ set (stack e1)" by auto
from wf_e1 l
have dist: "x ∉ set l" "x ∉ set (stack e)"
"set l ∩ set (stack e) = {}"
"set (fst ?split) ∩ set (stack e) = {}"
unfolding wf_env_def by auto
with ‹stack e1 = fst ?split @ snd ?split› ‹snd ?split = stack e›
have prec: "∀y ∈ set (stack e). ∀z. y ≼ z in (stack e1) ⟷ y ≼ z in (stack e)"
by (metis precedes_append_left_iff Int_iff empty_iff)
from post have numx: "num e1 x = int (sn e)"
unfolding dfs_post_def subenv_def add_stack_incr_def e1_def by auto
text ‹
All nodes contained in the same SCC as @{text x} are elements of
@{text "fst ?split"}. Therefore, @{text "set (fst ?split)"} constitutes an SCC.›
fix y
assume xy: "reachable x y" and yx: "reachable y x"
and y: "y ∉ set (fst ?split)"
from l(1) have "x ∈ set (fst ?split)" by simp
with xy y obtain x' y' where
y': "reachable x x'" "edge x' y'" "reachable y' y"
"x' ∈ set (fst ?split)" "y' ∉ set (fst ?split)"
using reachable_crossing_set by metis
with wf_e1 l have "y' ∈ colored e1"
unfolding wf_env_def no_black_to_white_def by auto
from ‹reachable x x'› ‹edge x' y'› have "reachable x y'"
using reachable_succ reachable_trans by blast
from ‹reachable y' y› ‹reachable y x› have "reachable y' x"
by (rule reachable_trans)
ultimately have "y' ∉ ⋃ sccs e1"
using wf_e1 gray'
by (auto simp: wf_env_def wf_color_def dest: sccE)
with wf_e1 ‹y' ∈ colored e1› have y'e1: "y' ∈ set (stack e1)"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_color_def e1_def colored_def by auto
with y' l have y'e: "y' ∈ set (stack e)" by auto
with y' post l have numy': "n1 ≤ num e1 y'"
unfolding dfs_post_def e1_def n1_def xedge_to_def add_stack_incr_def
by force
with numx nlt have "num e1 x ≤ num e1 y'" by auto
with y'e1 x wf_e1 have "y' ≼ x in stack e1"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def e1_def n1_def by auto
with y'e have "y' ≼ x in stack e" by (auto simp: prec)
with dist have "False" by (simp add: precedes_mem)
hence "∀y. reachable x y ∧ reachable y x ⟶ y ∈ set (fst ?split)"
by blast
with l have scc: "is_scc (set (fst ?split))"
by (simp add: is_scc_def is_subscc_def subset_antisym subsetI)
have wf_e': "wf_env ?e'"
proof -
have wfc: "wf_color ?e'"
proof -
from post dfs1_pre_domain[OF pre] l
have "gray ?e' ⊆ vertices ∧ black ?e' ⊆ vertices
∧ gray ?e' ∩ black ?e' = {}
∧ (⋃ sccs ?e') ⊆ black ?e'"
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def wf_env_def wf_color_def e1_def subenv_def
add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
have "set (stack ?e') = gray ?e' ∪ (black ?e' - ⋃ sccs ?e')" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
from wf_e1 dist l show "?lhs ⊆ ?rhs"
by (auto simp: wf_env_def wf_color_def e1_def subenv_def
add_stack_incr_def colored_def)
from l have "stack ?e' = stack e" "gray ?e' = gray e" by simp+
from pre have "gray e ⊆ set (stack e)"
unfolding dfs1_pre_def wf_env_def wf_color_def by auto
fix v
assume "v ∈ black ?e' - ⋃ sccs ?e'"
with l wf_e1
have "v ∈ black e1" "v ∉ ⋃ sccs e1" "v ∉ insert x (set l)"
"v ∈ set (stack e1)"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_color_def by auto
with l have "v ∈ set (stack e)" by auto
ultimately show "?rhs ⊆ ?lhs" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding wf_color_def colored_def by blast
from wf_e1 l dist prec gray' have "wf_num ?e'"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_num_def colored_def
by (auto simp: set_infty)
from wf_e1 gray' have "no_black_to_white ?e'"
by (auto simp: wf_env_def no_black_to_white_def colored_def)
from wf_e1 l have "distinct (stack ?e')"
unfolding wf_env_def by auto
from wf_e1 prec
have "∀y z. y ≼ z in (stack e) ⟶ reachable z y"
unfolding wf_env_def by (metis precedes_mem(1))
from wf_e1 prec stack dfs1_pre_domain[OF pre] gray'
have "∀y ∈ set (stack e). ∃g ∈ gray e. y ≼ g in (stack e) ∧ reachable y g"
unfolding wf_env_def by (metis insert_iff subsetCE precedes_mem(2))
from wf_e1 l scc have "sccs ?e' = {C . C ⊆ black ?e' ∧ is_scc C}"
by (auto simp: wf_env_def dest: scc_partition)
ultimately show ?thesis
using l unfolding wf_env_def by simp
from post l dist have sub: "subenv e ?e'"
unfolding dfs_post_def subenv_def e1_def add_stack_incr_def
by (auto simp: set_infty)
from l have num: "∞ ≤ num ?e' x"
by (auto simp: set_infty)
from l have "∀y. xedge_to (stack ?e') (stack e) y ⟶ ∞ ≤ num ?e' y"
unfolding xedge_to_def by auto
with res wf_e' sub num show ?thesis
unfolding dfs1_post_def res_def by simp
text ‹
The following main lemma establishes the partial correctness
of the two mutually recursive functions. The domain conditions
appear explicitly as hypotheses, although we already know that
they are subsumed by the preconditions. They are needed for the
application of the ``partial induction'' rule generated by
Isabelle for recursive functions whose termination was not proved.
We will remove them in the next step.
lemma dfs_partial_correct:
fixes x roots e
"⟦dfs1_dfs_dom (Inl(x,e)); dfs1_pre x e⟧ ⟹ dfs1_post x e (dfs1 x e)"
"⟦dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr(roots,e)); dfs_pre roots e⟧ ⟹ dfs_post roots e (dfs roots e)"
proof (induct rule: dfs1_dfs.pinduct)
fix x e
let ?res1 = "dfs1 x e"
let ?res' = "dfs (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)"
assume ind: "dfs_pre (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e)
⟹ dfs_post (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) ?res'"
and pre: "dfs1_pre x e"
have post: "dfs_post (successors x) (add_stack_incr x e) ?res'"
by (rule ind) (rule dfs1_pre_dfs_pre[OF pre])
show "dfs1_post x e ?res1"
proof (cases "fst ?res' < int (sn e)")
case True with pre post show ?thesis by (rule dfs_post_dfs1_post_case1)
case False
with pre post show ?thesis by (rule dfs_post_dfs1_post_case2)
fix roots e
let ?res' = "dfs roots e"
let ?dfs1 = "λx. dfs1 x e"
let ?dfs = "λx e'. dfs (roots - {x}) e'"
assume ind1: "⋀x. ⟦ roots ≠ {}; x = (SOME x. x ∈ roots);
¬ num e x ≠ - 1; dfs1_pre x e ⟧
⟹ dfs1_post x e (?dfs1 x)"
and ind': "⋀x res1.
⟦ roots ≠ {}; x = (SOME x. x ∈ roots);
res1 = (if num e x ≠ - 1 then (num e x, e) else ?dfs1 x);
dfs_pre (roots - {x}) (snd res1) ⟧
⟹ dfs_post (roots - {x}) (snd res1) (?dfs x (snd res1))"
and pre: "dfs_pre roots e"
from pre have dom: "dfs1_dfs_dom (Inr (roots, e))"
by (rule dfs_pre_dfs_dom)
show "dfs_post roots e ?res'"
proof (cases "roots = {}")
case True
with pre dom show ?thesis
unfolding dfs_pre_def dfs_post_def subenv_def xedge_to_def
by (auto simp: dfs.psimps)
case nempty: False
define x where "x = (SOME x. x ∈ roots)"
with nempty have x: "x ∈ roots" by (auto intro: someI)
define res1 where
"res1 = (if num e x ≠ - 1 then (num e x, e) else ?dfs1 x)"
define res2 where
"res2 = ?dfs x (snd res1)"
have post1: "num e x = -1 ⟶ dfs1_post x e (?dfs1 x)"
assume num: "num e x = -1"
with pre x have "dfs1_pre x e"
by (rule dfs_pre_dfs1_pre)
with nempty num x_def show "dfs1_post x e (?dfs1 x)"
by (simp add: ind1)
have sub1: "subenv e (snd res1)"
proof (cases "num e x = -1")
case True
with post1 res1_def show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs1_post_def)
case False
with res1_def show ?thesis by simp
have wf1: "wf_env (snd res1)"
proof (cases "num e x = -1")
case True
with res1_def post1 show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs1_post_def)
case False
with res1_def pre show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs_pre_def)
from post1 pre res1_def
have res1: "dfs_pre (roots - {x}) (snd res1)"
unfolding dfs_pre_def dfs1_post_def subenv_def by auto
with nempty x_def res1_def ind'
have post: "dfs_post (roots - {x}) (snd res1) (?dfs x (snd res1))"
by blast
with res2_def have sub2: "subenv (snd res1) (snd res2)"
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def)
from post res2_def have wf2: "wf_env (snd res2)"
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def)
from dom nempty x_def res1_def res2_def
have res: "dfs roots e = (min (fst res1) (fst res2), snd res2)"
by (auto simp add: dfs.psimps)
show ?thesis
proof -
let ?n2 = "min (fst res1) (fst res2)"
let ?e2 = "snd res2"
from post res2_def
have "wf_env ?e2"
unfolding dfs_post_def by auto
from sub1 sub2 have sub: "subenv e ?e2"
by (rule subenv_trans)
have "x ∈ colored ?e2"
proof (cases "num e x = -1")
case True
with post1 res1_def sub2 show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs1_post_def subenv_def colored_def)
case False
with pre sub show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs_pre_def wf_env_def wf_num_def subenv_def colored_def)
with post res2_def have "roots ⊆ colored ?e2"
unfolding dfs_post_def by auto
have "∀y ∈ roots. ?n2 ≤ num ?e2 y"
fix y
assume y: "y ∈ roots"
show "?n2 ≤ num ?e2 y"
proof (cases "y = x")
case True
show ?thesis
proof (cases "num e x = -1")
case True
with post1 res1_def have "fst res1 ≤ num (snd res1) x"
unfolding dfs1_post_def by auto
from wf1 wf2 sub2 have "num (snd res1) x ≤ num (snd res2) x"
unfolding wf_env_def by (auto elim: subenv_num)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹y=x› by simp
case False
with res1_def wf1 wf2 sub2 have "fst res1 ≤ num (snd res2) x"
unfolding wf_env_def by (auto elim: subenv_num)
with ‹y=x› show ?thesis by simp
case False
with y post res2_def have "fst res2 ≤ num ?e2 y"
unfolding dfs_post_def by auto
thus ?thesis by simp
assume n2: "?n2 ≠ ∞"
hence "(fst res1 ≠ ∞ ∧ ?n2 = fst res1)
∨ (fst res2 ≠ ∞ ∧ ?n2 = fst res2)" by auto
hence "∃r ∈ roots. ∃y ∈ set (stack ?e2). num ?e2 y = ?n2 ∧ reachable r y"
assume n2: "fst res1 ≠ ∞ ∧ ?n2 = fst res1"
have "∃y ∈ set (stack (snd res1)).
num (snd res1) y = (fst res1) ∧ reachable x y"
proof (cases "num e x = -1")
case True
with post1 res1_def n2 show ?thesis
unfolding dfs1_post_def by auto
case False
with wf1 res1_def n2 have "x ∈ set (stack (snd res1))"
unfolding wf_env_def wf_color_def wf_num_def colored_def by auto
with False res1_def show ?thesis
by auto
with sub2 x n2 show ?thesis
unfolding subenv_def by fastforce
assume "fst res2 ≠ ∞ ∧ ?n2 = fst res2"
with post res2_def show ?thesis
unfolding dfs_post_def by auto
hence "?n2 = ∞ ∨ (∃r ∈ roots. ∃y ∈ set (stack ?e2). num ?e2 y = ?n2 ∧ reachable r y)"
by blast
have "∀y. xedge_to (stack ?e2) (stack e) y ⟶ ?n2 ≤ num ?e2 y"
proof (clarify)
fix y
assume y: "xedge_to (stack ?e2) (stack e) y"
show "?n2 ≤ num ?e2 y"
proof (cases "num e x = -1")
case True
from sub1 obtain s1 where
s1: "stack (snd res1) = s1 @ stack e"
by (auto simp: subenv_def)
from sub2 obtain s2 where
s2: "stack ?e2 = s2 @ stack (snd res1)"
by (auto simp: subenv_def)
from y obtain zs z where
z: "stack ?e2 = zs @ stack e" "z ∈ set zs"
"y ∈ set (stack e)" "edge z y"
by (auto simp: xedge_to_def)
with s1 s2 have "z ∈ (set s1) ∪ (set s2)" by auto
thus ?thesis
assume "z ∈ set s1"
with s1 z have "xedge_to (stack (snd res1)) (stack e) y"
by (auto simp: xedge_to_def)
with post1 res1_def ‹num e x = -1›
have "fst res1 ≤ num (snd res1) y"
by (auto simp: dfs1_post_def)
with wf1 wf2 sub2 have "num (snd res1) y ≤ num ?e2 y"
unfolding wf_env_def by (auto elim: subenv_num)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
assume "z ∈ set s2"
with s1 s2 z have "xedge_to (stack ?e2) (stack (snd res1)) y"
by (auto simp: xedge_to_def)
with post res2_def show ?thesis
by (auto simp: dfs_post_def)
case False
with y post res1_def res2_def show ?thesis
unfolding dfs_post_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using res unfolding dfs_post_def by simp
section ‹Theorems establishing total correctness›
text ‹
Combining the previous theorems, we show total correctness for
both the auxiliary functions and the main function @{text tarjan}.
theorem dfs_correct:
"dfs1_pre x e ⟹ dfs1_post x e (dfs1 x e)"
"dfs_pre roots e ⟹ dfs_post roots e (dfs roots e)"
using dfs_partial_correct dfs1_pre_dfs1_dom dfs_pre_dfs_dom by (blast+)
theorem tarjan_correct: "tarjan = { C . is_scc C ∧ C ⊆ vertices }"
proof -
have "dfs_pre vertices init_env"
by (auto simp: dfs_pre_def init_env_def wf_env_def wf_color_def colored_def
wf_num_def no_black_to_white_def is_scc_def precedes_def)
hence res: "dfs_post vertices init_env (dfs vertices init_env)"
by (rule dfs_correct)
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp: tarjan_def init_env_def dfs_post_def wf_env_def wf_color_def
colored_def subenv_def)