Lecture 1: Programming with natural numbers and lists in Coq

(credits: Benjamin Gregoire)

4 What is Coq ?

4 A programming language

4 A proof development tool

4 Why do we use Coq ?

4 To develop software without errors (CompCert)

4 To develop mathematical proofs (Four Colors Theorem)

4 To use the computer to verify that all details are right

4 How does one use Coq ?

4 Describe four components :the data, the operations, the properties, the proofs

Describing the data

4 Case-based

4 show all possible cases for the data

4 a finite number of different cases (bool,disjoint sum)

4 Structured

4 each case has all the components needed in the data (product)

4 Sometimes recursive

4 recognize repetition to tame infinite datatypes (list)

4 Theoretical foundation :algebraic datatypes, term algebras, cartesian products, disjoint sums, least and greatest fixed points

Describing the operations

4 Functional programming :each operation is described as a function

4 Map inputs to outputs, do not modify

4 Programmation guided by the cases from data-types

4 Avoid undefined values

4 all cases must be covered

4 guaranteed termination of computations

4 safer programming

Describing the properties

4 A predefined language for logic : and, or, forall, exists

4 Possibility to express consistency between several functions

4 example whenever f (x) is true, g(x) is a prime number

4 A general scheme to define new predicates :inductive predicates

4 example the set of even numbers is the least set E so that 0 E and x E x + 2 E

4 foundation :least fixed points

Proving properties of programs

4 Decompose a logical formula into simpler ones

4 Goal oriented approach, backward reasoning

4 Consider a goal P(a),

4 Suppose there is a theorem x, Q(x) R(x) P(x)

4 By choosing to apply this theorem, get two new goals : Q(a) and R(a)

4 The system makes sure no condition is overlooked

4 A collection for tools specialized for a variety of situations

4 Handle equalities (rewriting), induction, numeric computation, function definitions, etc...

A commented example on sorting :the data

Inductive listZ : Type :=

nilZ | consZ (hd : Z) (tl : listZ).

Notation "hd :: tl" := (consZ hd tl).

The operations

Fixpoint insert (x : Z) (l : listZ) :=

match l with

| nilZ => x::nilZ

| hd::tl =>

if Zle_bool x hd then x::l else hd::insert x tl


Fixpoint sort l :=

match l with

| nilZ => nilZ

| hd::tl => insert hd (sort tl)


The properties

4 Have a property sorted to express that a list is sorted

4 Have a property permutation l1 l2

Definition permutation l1 l2 :=
forall x, count x l1 = count x l2.

4 assuming the existence of a function count

Proving the properties

Two categories of statements :

4 General theory about the properties (statements that do not mention the algorithm being proved)

4 x y l, sorted (x::y::l) x y

4 transitive(permutation)

4 Specific theory about the properties being proved

4 x l, sorted l sorted(insert x l)

4 x l, permutation (x::l) (insert x l)

First steps in Coq

Write a comment "open parenthesis-star", "star-close parenthesis"

Give a name to an expression

Verify that an expression is well-formed

Compute a value

Defining functions

Expressions that depend on a variable

The type of values

The command Check is used to verify that an expression is well-formed

4 It returns the type of this expression

4 The type says in which context the expression can be used

The type of functions

The value add3 is not a natural number

The value add3 is a function

4 It expects a natural number as input

4 It outputs a natural number

Applying functions

Function application is written only by juxtaposition

4 Parentheses are not mandatory

Functions with several arguments

At definition time, just use several variables

Function with one argument that return a function.

Anonymous functions

Functions can be built without a name

Construct well-formed expressions containing a variable, with a


This is called an abstraction

The new expression is a function, usable like add3 or s3 2 1

Functions are values

4 The value add3 2 is a natural number,

4 The value s3 2 is a function,

4 The value s3 2 1 is a function, like add3

Function arguments

4 Functions can also expect functions as argument (higher order)

Type verification strategy (function application)

Function application is well-formed if types match :

4 Assume a function f has type A -> B

4 Assume a value a has type A

4 then the expression f a is well-formed and has type B

Type verification strategy (abstraction)

An anonymous function is well-formed if the body is well formed

4 add the assumption that the variable has the input type

4 add the argument type in the result

4 Example, verify : fun x nat => x + 3

4      x + 3 is well-formed when x has type nat, and has type nat

4 Result : fun x nat => x + 3 has type nat -> nat

A few datatypes

4 An introduction to some of the pre-defined parts of Coq

4 Grouping objects together : tuples

4 Natural numbers and the basic operations

4 Boolean values and the basic tests on numbers

Putting data together

4 Grouping several pieces of data : tuples,

4 fetching individual components : pattern-matching,


As in programming languages, several types to represent numbers

4 natural numbers (non-negative), relative integers, more efficient reprentations

4 Need to load the corresponding libraries

4 Same notations for several types of numbers :need to choose a scope

4 By default :natural numbers

4 Good properties to learn about proofs

4 Not adapted for efficient computation

Focus on natural numbers

Require Import Arith.
Open Scope nat_scope.

Boolean values

4Values true and false

4Usable in if .. then .. else .. statements

4comparison function provided for numbers

4To find them :use the command Search bool

4Or SearchPattern (nat -> nat -> bool)