Sarah Wajsbrot
LORIA, Office B172,
615 Rue du Jardin Botanique,
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France
I am a PhD student in computer sciences at Université de Lorraine
since October 2023, under the supervision of
Xavier Goaoc.
I belong to the research team GAMBLE
joint between the LORIA laboratory and the Inria research center.
My topics of interest gravitate toward combinatorics, computational geometry and optimization.
I work on combinatorial convexity, its generalizations and applications to (e.g. robust) optimization.
- 2023/2024 Master of Mathematics and Application -
Optimization track
(Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France). I did an internship under the supervision of
Xavier Goaoc in the GAMBLE team (Inria, LORIA) in Nancy, I worked on a problem of bicolor lines incidences
related to 3D reconstruction from multiple images taken by two slit cameras.
- 2019/2020 Master of Mathematics and Applications - Preparation to 'Agrégation' (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France).
I obtained the Agrégation de Mathématiques.
Object Oriented Programming (JAVA) for 1st year undergraduate.
Tutorial with Vincent Thomas.
BUT INFO 1A, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, Nancy, France.
Mathematics highschool teacher.
Lycée Marseilleveyre, Marseille, France.
Here is my Linkedin page.