@INPROCEEDINGS{bourjot02a, CRINNUMBER = {A02-R-132}, CATEGORY = {3}, EQUIPE = {MAIA}, AUTHOR = {Bourjot, Christine and Chevrier, Vincent and Thomas, Vincent}, TITLE = {How Social Spider Inspired An Approach To Region Detection}, BOOKTITLE = {{First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents \& Multiagent Systems - AAMAS 2002, Bologna, Italy}}, YEAR ={ 2002}, MONTH ={ Jul}, KEYWORDS = {reactive multi-agent system, biological inspiration, region detection}, ABSTRACT = {Reactive problem solving is a way to propose systems composed of simple interacting agents that collectively solve problems outside the scope of individual perceptions. In this domain, natural social systems are sources of inspiration for simple mechanisms. This article presents an approach to region detection inspired by social spiders. Based on a behavioral model determined by the simulation of collective weaving, we describe how we transposed it to obtain an approach for region detection in gray level images and we propose a first assessment of the approach. }, }