Ye-Qiong SONG (also YeQiong SONG or Ye Qiong SONG)

Professor in computer science at University of Lorraine (ex-INPL)

Université de Lorraine  - ENSEM

2, Avenue de la foret de Haye - 54516 VANDOEUVRE, France

Tel. : 33-(0)3-83 59 55 80, office 408


Research at LORIA lab, moved from TRIO team to MADYNES team in 2012
Campus Scientifique, B.P. 239 - 54506 VANDOEUVRE, FRANCE
Tel. : 33-(0)3-54 95 84 64, office C123
Email: song at loria dot fr

Description : Description : photo_identite

A short biography

Research interest: developing on-line adaptive QoS mechanisms for cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things

·      Domain: Network QoS and real-time systems

·      Tools: Real-time scheduling, Probabilistic approach and queuing theory, Simulation, Testbed measurement

·      Experienced topics: Industrial networks (WorldFIP, CAN, Switched Ethernet), Powerline communication systems, Wireless sensor networks, Automotive embedded systems, Networked control systems, Ambient assisted living systems


Current projects:

·      LAR (Living Assistant Robot) dans le cadre des programmes investissements d’avenir « Technologies de l'e-santé - Santé et autonomie sur le lieu de vie grâce au numérique» (2013-2016)

·      SATELOR Lorraine Regional AME project (e-health) (2013-2016)

·      EuroStars RETINA European project: Real-time support for heterogeneous networks in Automotive applications (2016-2018)

Past projects related to the adaptive QoS in WSN:

·      QUASIMODO, an “ANR blanc international” project, for multi mobile targets tracking using WSN (2011-2014)

·      INRIA AEN PAL (Personal Assisted Living), for Ambient Assisted Living (2011-2013)

·      CPER IS (Informatique Située), for Ambient Assisted Living (2011-2013)

·      CPER Eco-Sur2, for building automation (with a focus on optimal energy production and consumption) (2000-2013)

·      MPIGate: Multi-Protocols Interface and Gateway for ambient assisted living (2011- )


List of publications



Teaching (mainly at ARCHE of the University of Lorraine, in French)

·      Algorithmique et programmation (en java) : slides S1 et S2

·      Architecture des machines et microprocesseurs

·      Bases de données

·      Réseaux locaux et Internet

·      Evaluation de performances (poly du cours, des slides, et un simulateur M/M/1 en jar (java -jar mm1.jar))

Some recent responsibilities

·      2009-2012 : Responsable du DFD informatique  (Département de Formation Doctorale) de l’école doctorale IAEM Lorraine

·      2013-now : Responsible of the « networks, systems and services » department of LORIA