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Formalisation of reactive multi-agents systems

Scientific problem

Our research aims at providing a new description of multi-agent systems that would separate, on the one hand, the description of the agents, and, on the other hand, the simulation scheme. By ``simulation scheme'', we mean all the operations that regard the interactions between agents and between agents and the environment. We consider such a separation as a means of answering two questions:

  • How to describe a multi-agent system with a mathematical formalism that removes ambiguities of formulation and that allows readers to reproduce an experiment with precision?
  • To which extent does the global behaviour of a multi-agent system depend on the laws governing the agents and to which extent does it depend on the scheme used to run a simulation?


Turmites, also called Langton's ants [Lan86], are very simple agents that evolve on a grid. The grid is constituted of cells, which can be in two states 0 (white) or 1 (blue). The rules govering the agents are:

  • If a Turmite is a 0-cell, it turns it to a 1 and turns left and moves forward
  • If a Turmite is a 1-cell, it turns it to a 0 and turns right and moves forward
We take a mutli-Turmite model as an example to illustrate our method.
[Lan86] Christopher G. Langton, Studying Artificial Life with cellular automata, Physica D, n° 22 (1986)


Multi-agent Systems as Discrete Dynamical Systems: Influences and Reactions as a Principle
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Clik here to download FiatLux and test the multi-Turmite model under different simulating schemes.
Launch with a double-click. Press on tab "Multi-agents" and then press "Go" to test for different configurations. Please write to us if you need more detailed information.


We provide to the readers of the article some animations that correspond to the different exepriments from the paper.
Click on the image to display the film in full screen. Please press the "Reload" button of your browser to reinitialise the film diplay.

Figure number (in article) initial configuration Comments Film step
1 (left) One single turmite 100
1 (right) One single turmite with north cell flipped 100
2 (left-middle-right) Four Turmites : short time evolution 1
2 (left-middle-right) Four Turmites : long time evolution 100
3 (left-middle-right) Two Turmites : short time evolution 1
3 (left-middle-right) Two Turmites : long time evolution 100
4 (top) Evolution of two Turmites 1
4 (middle) Evolution of two Turmites 20
4 (bottom) Evolution of two Turmites 4
5 Deadlock with two Turmites 1
8 Observation of two gliders 5

For other figures, please use the FiatLux simulator.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Last Update : Feb. 2009