Before downloading Graphite - LifeExplorer (G-LE for short), we would like to ask you a few questions. The only mandatory things to do are

These are marked with a green asterisk. The rest is not mandatory, but can help us understand how our software is used.
We thank you for your answers.

IMPORTANT: Graphite - LifeExplorer is free to use for non commercial purpose only. If you plan to use Graphite - LifeExplorer or derivatives in a commercial, for-profit project, please contact us.

No commercial use
* I recognize that Graphite - LifeExplorer, or data obtained using Graphite - LifeExplorer, can not be used for commercial, for-profit purpose. Should I want to do so, I will contact the authors of Graphite - LifeExplorer in order to reach an agreement.
What would you use G-LE for?
Personal Information
First name
Last name
* Institution
What OS do you use?
Mac OS X
Windows 7
A Linux Distribution
Do you use existing 3D modeling software?
Cinema 4D
How did you learn about Graphite/LifeExplorer?
In a research paper
YouTube search for DNA modeling
Google search for DNA modeling
On a social network (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, ...):

Can you shortly describe what you would like to use G-LE for?
What would you like to have in LifeExplorer?

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