Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccessControlUsed for access control
AddAuthStores rule and position of AddAuth
AddEventViewControllerThe view controller to add new event
AdminLogContains adminLog and unique peerID of that peer
AdminLogDictionaryStores adminLogs of all peers in a dictionary
AdminRequestStores attributes of AdminRequest
AppConfigUsed to store the name and unique PeerID of the request
CalendarThis class stores the events in a mutable array
CalendarViewControllerThe view controller to show the list of events
ConnectionUsed to make a connection between two peers
<ConnectionDelegate>The delegated to handle connection outcomes like a connection is successfull, failed etc
DelAuthStores rule and position of DelAuth
DeleteOperationStores attributes of Delete operation
DistributedCalendarAppDelegateApplication's central class
EventThis class stores all the attributes of an event
EventDetailViewControllerDetail view of the event
EventEditViewControllerThe view controller which manages the view which edits an event
InsertOperationStores attributes of insert operation
NoOperationUsed to detect NoOperation
PeerBrowserUsed to browse other peers
<PeerBrowserDelegate>Used to take some action when a new service is detected or a service is no more available
PeerListViewControllerViewController for the view which shows list of available peers
PeerServerThis class starts a NSNetService which can be discovered by NSNetService Browsers
<PeerServerDelegate>The delegate to handle various outcomes of peerserver
PolicyStores all rules
PolicyDictionaryStores policies of all peers in a dictionary
PolicyEditViewControllerThe view controller to edit the policy by allowing to add a new rule
PolicyViewControllerThe view controller to show the policy
PrecedingRequestStores attributes of a preceding reqeust
RequestStores attributes of a request
RuleStores all attributes of a single rule
SynchronizationTo synchronize the events
UpdateOperationStores attributes of an update operation
ValidateContains the request to be validated
WelcomeViewControllerThe view controller to welcome the user and prompting to enter his/her name
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