
Dr. Claudia-Lavinia Ignat

Inria Research Scientist (Chargée de recherche hors classe CRHC)
Coast team / LORIAInria Nancy-Grand Est

I am a tenured research scientist at Inria Nancy-Grand Est, France and the head of Coast team. I obtained a PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, Switzerland in 2006 and an Habilitation to Direct Researches (HDR) from Lorraine University, France in 2021. My research interests are distributed collaborative systems with a focus on consistency maintenance, group awareness, security, trust issues and user studies. I am in the editorial board of Journal of CSCW and I am program committee member of several international conferences such as Middleware, CHI, CSCW, ECSCW, GROUP, CollabTech, CDVE and ICCP. I coordinate several research and industrial projects and I was the coordinator of the USCOAST associated Inria team.

Research Interests

Operational Transformation,
CRDT (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types),
Collaborative Editing,
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),
Optimistic Replication,
Distributed Systems,
Trust-based security,
User studies