Camille Lanuel


I am a PhD student at Université de Lorraine in Nancy since October 2022. I am part of the Inria Gamble team of the Loria.

I work under the supervision of Monique Teillaud, Vincent Despré and Marc Pouget. The purpose of my work is to explore the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces and provide algorithmic tools to handle them.




Programmation orientée objet

Tutorial with Vincent Despré. 3A IA2R FISE, Polytech Nancy.

Programmation réseau

Tutorial with Vincent Despré. 3A IA2R FISA, Polytech Nancy.


Algorithmes et complexité

Tutorial with Xavier Goaoc. 1A Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Ecole des Mines de Nancy.

Recherche opérationnelle

Tutorial with Wahiba Ramdane Cherif-Khettaf. 1A Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Ecole des Mines de Nancy.

Programmation et structures de données

Tutorial with Pierre-Étienne Moreau & Guillaume Bonfante. 1A Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Ecole des Mines de Nancy.


Recherche opérationnelle

Tutorial with Bernardetta Addis. 1A Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Ecole des Mines de Nancy.

Systèmes d'information - Bases de données

Tutorial with Laurent Dupont. 1A DUT MMI, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne.

Intégration Web

Tutorial with Laurent Dupont. 1A DUT MMI, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne.





PhD student representative

I am elected as a PhD student representative to the council of the Doctoral School IAEM for the Computer Science committee, with Ana Margarita Rodriguez Cordero as a substitute. If you are a PhD student in Computer Science within IAEM, feel free to contact me or Ana regarding any of your concerns or suggestions about your doctoral life.

Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions

I wrote a text about Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions for the website CultureMath when I was a bachelor student.




LORIA, Office B172,
615 Rue du Jardin Botanique,
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France