Djamel Eddine AMIR

About Me:
I am an Assistant Professor (ATER) of Computer Science at Université de Lorraine. I am a member of Mocqua team at Loria laboratory, where I do my research. I teach at the Faculty of Science.
Main Research:
I am interested in computability theory and its interactions with other domains such as topology. My primary research focuses on computable analysis and (effective) descriptive set theory, exploring their connections with general and algebraic topology.
I had the opportunity to be supervised by Mathieu Hoyrup and Emmanuel Jeandel during my PhD in Theoretical Computer Science, titled Computability of Topological Spaces, at Loria laboratory, Université de Lorraine, France.
I defended my PhD thesis on October 6th, 2023.
If you require further information about me or wish to discuss any matter, please feel free to contact me.


Address: LORIA - Bâtiment B, 615 rue du jardin botanique, 54500 Villers-lès-Nancy, France.