
Short Bio

After my graduation from the École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (now Telecom ParisTech) in 1994, mastering in image processing, I took a flight to Norway to experience midnight sun and midday night (quite perturbing), northern lights (quite magical), Norwegian food (quite… well let’s say sometimes strange for a French guy), cold (quite freezing to be euphemistical), and incidentally work at the Norwegian Polar Institute in the framework of my national service (“cooperation”).

Upon my return in 1996 I decided to take advantage of my practice in resistance to extreme cold conditions and in walking on iced pavements and came to Nancy (France) to do my PhD thesis on image registration in medical imaging (mainly 2D and 3D angiography images). This work was done at Loria in collaboration with GE Medical Systems Europe (now GE Healthcare) and the department of Interventional Neuroradiology of Nancy University Hospital.

In 2000, having my brand new doctorate in hand, I joigned GE Medical Systems Europe as a research engineer before I became a permanent researcher at INRIA at the fall of 2001. I’m currently working in the Magrit project at Loria, and am an external collaborator of Mimesis Inria team in Strasbourg. My main activity deals with medical imaging and augmented reality.

I defended my habilitation thesis (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in 2018.

Interests and Skills

Medical Imaging
Computer Vision
Multi-Modal Imaging
3D Shape Reconstruction
Augmented Reality
Image-Driven Simulation