Guilhem Gamard

Photo of Guilhem wearing a hawaiian shirt and a colorful woolen cap.


(The first address is for your GPS, the second one for the post office. They refer to the same place; click here for details.)


Since September 2021, I am associate professor with tenure (maître de conférences) in the Mocqua group of the Loria lab, at Inria center of Nancy and University of Lorraine.
I teach at the Faculty of science and technology of Nancy.

In 2019–2021, I was post-doc in the Cana group of the Lis lab, at University Aix-Marseille. More precisely, I worked in the Project Fans on automata networks.
I also taught at the Faculty of science of Marseille.

In 2018–2019, I was ATER (post-doc with teaching charge) in the Mc2 group of the Lip lab, at Ens Lyon.
I taught at the CS department of Ens Lyon.

In 2018–2017, I was a postdoc in the Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science, at the Higher School of Economics.

Between 2014 and 2017, I prepared my PhD thesis under the supervision of Gwenaël Richomme in the Escape group of the Lirmm laboratory, at University of Montpellier.
I defended on 2017-06-30; here is my manuscript and here are my slides (both in French).
I also taught at the Faculty of science of Montpellier.


Picture of Columbo pointing at a computer and saying: these machines, they baffle me.

Here is a short summary of my research so far.

Find open-access or Arxiv links for all my papers in my DBLP entry.

Selected talks in no particular order (each title links to the slides):


A joke, fake tutorial about how to draw an owl. Step 1: draw some circles (we see two circles). Step 2: draw the rest of the fucking owl (we see a perfect picture of an owl).

My lectures are in French and everything is on the faculty server (login required). I usually teach networks, system (POSIX) programming, and databases.

Collective tasks

I volunteered for the following things:



Some people who shared my office (or used it a coffee-break-room), and vice-versa:
Mélodie Andrieu — Amélie Barbe — Florian Barbero — Julien Baste — Bruno Bauwens — Jessie Carbonnel — Thang Pham Cong — Julien Destombes — François Dross — Blandine Forsans — Anaël Grandjean — Mathieu Hoyrup — Dominique Larchey — Silvère Moon-Gangloff — Emmanuel Jeandel — Etienne Moutot — Sabrina Ouazzani — Daria Pchelina — Éloi Perdereau — Enrico Porreca — Julien Provillard — Pytheas Fogg — Swan Rocher — Alam Seif — Mateusz Skomra — Pierre-Adrien Tahay.


An old advertisement showing someone in a car racing suit and helmet sitting at a computer. It reads: prepare to enter hypertext.

I love links. Speaking of which: click here for sound.

Skepticism in the technology sector

Note: the authors of the following pages do not necessarily agree with one another, nor do they form a coherent movement. Me linking a page doesn't mean I agree with everything in the page, nor with everything the authors wrote elsewhere.

People (in a very general sense).





Lists of links by other people


Physics tutorials

Mathematics tutorials


Algorithms and "mathematical" programming

"Low-level" programming and concepts


Software minimalism

Classic books on C and Unix

The rumors are true: those books are enlightening.


Official (and semi-official) sources:

Blogs, sites and posts by happy users:

Software (not mine)

Classic books on Common Lisp and Lisp

Because metaprogramming is more fun than type systems.

Web development

On content, see: the web is fucked.
On technical aspects, observe the trend from first to last: [1] — [2] — [3] — [4] — [5]. I guess someone missed someone else's point. Oh well.

(In case you want to mimic my setup, my website is static hand-written HTML typed in vi (no, not vim) and tested in w3m and Firefox.)

Langue française