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I am a PhD student at the French National Institute for Computer Science Research INRIA. I work under the supervision of Cécile PIERROT and Emmanuel THOMÉ  in the CARAMBA team, hosted by the LORIA laboratory in Nancy, France.

I focus on studying the Discrete Logarithm problem, specifically in non-prime finite fields (with extension degree greater than one). My research contributes to improving the Number Field Sieve algorithm and its variants in both theoretical and practical aspects.

I am strongly interested in lattice-based cryptography and computational number theory.

Ongoing work

I currently work with Cécile Pierrot and Emmanuel Thomé on using Galois automorphisms in the Tower Number Field Sieve. We have exciting results that lead to significant accelerations in the linear algebra step. These accelerations allow significant and practical improvements in attacks against pairings. The work will be made public soon.

Short Vita: (Complete Curriculum vitae here)

  • Born in Syria in 1996. Moved to France in 2012.
  • Agrégation title in Mathematics and Master’s degree in teaching Mathematics in 2020, at the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.
  • Master’s degree in applied Algebra in 2021, at the University of Versailles, Versailles, France.
  • I started PhD in October 2021, at LORIA, Nancy, France, under the supervision of Cécile PIERROT and Emmanuel THOMÉ.
  • I teach at École des Mines, Nancy, France, since 2021.