
Welcome to K. Smaïli home page. He is full professor at University of Lorraine (Nancy – France) in computer science since 2001. He is the head of SMART (Speech Modeling and Text research group in LORIA and he co-leads  LIA – DATANET (Associated International Laboratory).

His research area is Natural Language processing. He is interested by several topics of NLP, particularly: Machine translation, Under-Resourced languages: Arabic dialects, Multilingual sentiment Analysis, Language Modelling, Quality Estimation, Speech recognition (

He gives several courses for  under and graduate students on: Big Data and Machine Learning, Buisness Intelligence, Data Bases, Human Machine Interface (Teaching page).

In his free time, he practices Judo and Kick-boxing (but he swears that he is a kind guy). He plays mandole in an Adalusian Arab Music group (MEZGHENA  Algiers) and he wrote two social-political books concerning the situation in France and misunderstanding about Islam  (