- 1986 Engineer in computer science USTHB (Algiers)
- 1987 Master in computer science University Nancy 1
- 1991 PhD in computer science University Nancy 1
- 2001 Habilitation a diriger la recherche in computer science University Nancy 2
An outline of my academic career
- 1988-1990: Scholarship of INRIA (National Research Institut of Informatics and its Applications) in the framework of the European project ESPRIT I (COCOS) and ESPRIT II (MULTIWORKS).
- 1990-1991: Temporary assistant professor at UFR of Mathematics and Informatics, University
of Nancy 2. - 1992-1999: Full position assistant professor at University Nancy 2.
- 1999-2001: Joined CNRS (French Centre National de Recherche Scientique).
- Since 2002: Full position professor at University Nancy 2 and then at university of Lorraine.