Current Students:
- Célestin Matte (2014-2017) with M. Cunche and D. Le Métayer. Subject: privacy-preserving Wi-Fi tracking. Funded by Région Rhône-Alpes.
- Ochirkhand Erdene-Ochir (2009-2012) with F. Valois and A. Kountouris. Subject: Resilience of routing protocols in WSNs. Funded by Orange Labs Grenoble.
- Gaël Thomas (2012-2015) with T. P. Berger (XLIM, Limoges University). Subject: Security proofs and design of block ciphers. Funded by ANR project BLOC.
- Wassim Znaidi (2007-2010) with J.-P. Babau and S. Ubéda. Subject: Security in WSNs. Funded by Région Rhône-Alpes. Actual position: engineer (Lyon).
- Benjamin Pousse (2007-2010) with T. P. Berger. Subject: Design and analysis of stream ciphers especially based on FCSRs. Funded by ANR project RAPIDE. Actual position: engineer (Limoges).
- Samuel Galice (2004-2007) with S. Ubéda. Subject: trust models in ambient. Funded by ACI project KAA.
- Yuan Yuan ZHANG (11/2010-05/2012), Shangai Jiao-Tong University.
Subject: security of network coding in WSNs. Funded by FFCSA
(French-Chinese fundation for sciences).
- David GERAULT (02/2015-07/2015). Subject: Constraint Programming with C. Solnon
- Khaoula DIFALLA (02/2015-07/2015). Subject: Resilience in RPL.
- Medhi DIOURI (02/2010-06/2010). Subject: Sybil attacks in WSNs.
- Cherifa BOUCETTA (02/2010-06/2010). Subject: Wormhole detection in WSNs.
- Ochirkhand ERDENE-OCHIR (02/2009-09/2009). Subject: Resiliency of routing protocols in WSNs.
- Paul FERRAND (02/2009-06/2009). Subject: linear properties of the AES.
- Bilel ROMDHANI (02/2008-06/2008). Subject: Securing a routing protocol for WSNs.
- Martin BOULANGER (02/2007-06/2007). Subject: Securing a routing protocol for hybrid networks.
Member of the following projects:
- ANR project BLOC (INS call, 2011-2016): design and analysis of block ciphers. I am coordinator of this project.
- ANR project ARESA2 (VERSO call, 2009-2013):
- ANR project RAPIDE (SETIN call, 2007-2011): design and analysis of stream ciphers efficient for constraint environments.
- ACI project KAA, (sécurité informatique call, 2004-2007): Knowledge Authentication Ambient, multi disciplinary project for trust management schemes in spontaneous networks.
- Trust in communities (IXXI project, 2007-2008): experimental evaluation of trust in open communities.
- ARC INRIA PRIAM (INRIA project, 2007-2009): Privacy Issues and AMbient intelligence.
- ARC INRIA Malisse INRIA project, 2007-2009): Malicious sensors Context.
- International conferences: WCC 2015, FSE 2011, Indocrypt 2009, ISPA 2007,
WCC 2007, TOOLS 2010, MEDES 2010, CIS 2011, CIS 2010, CIS 2009, IEEE
ICDIM 2009, ICDIM 2008, MWNSW 2008.
- National conferences: Journées GDR C2 2011, Journées GDR C2 2005.