Sapic+ : protocol verifiers of the world, unite!

Vincent Cheval, Charlie Jacomme, Steve Kremer, and Robert Künnemann. Sapic+ : protocol verifiers of the world, unite!. In 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security'22), pp. 3935–3952, USENIX Association, Boston, USA, August 2022.


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Symbolic security protocol verifiers have reached a high degree of automation and maturity. Today, experts can model real-world protocols, but this often requires model-specific encodings and deep insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each of those tools. With Sapic+ , we introduce a protocol verification platform that lifts this burden and permits choosing the right tool for the job, at any development stage. We build on the existing compiler from Sapic to Tamarin, and extend it with automated translations from Sapic+ to ProVerif and DeepSec, as well as powerful, protocol-independent optimizations of the existing translation. We prove each part of these translations sound. A user can thus, with a single Sapic+ file, verify reachability and equivalence properties on the specified protocol, either using ProVerif, Tamarin or DeepSec. Moreover, the soundness of the translation allows to directly assume results proven by another tool which allows to exploit the respective strengths of each tool. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing various existing models. This includes a large case study of the 5G authentication protocols, previously analyzed in Tamarin. Encoding this model in Sapic + we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Moreover, we study four new case studies: the LAKE and the Privacy-Pass protocols, both under standardization, the SSH protocol with the agent-forwarding feature, and the recent KEMTLS protocol, a post-quantum version of the main TLS key exchange.


  abstract =	 {Symbolic security protocol verifiers have reached a
                  high degree of automation and maturity. Today,
                  experts can model real-world protocols, but this
                  often requires model-specific encodings and deep
                  insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each of
                  those tools. With Sapic+ , we introduce a protocol
                  verification platform that lifts this burden and
                  permits choosing the right tool for the job, at any
                  development stage. We build on the existing compiler
                  from Sapic to Tamarin, and extend it with automated
                  translations from Sapic+ to ProVerif and DeepSec, as
                  well as powerful, protocol-independent optimizations
                  of the existing translation. We prove each part of
                  these translations sound. A user can thus, with a
                  single Sapic+ file, verify reachability and
                  equivalence properties on the specified protocol,
                  either using ProVerif, Tamarin or DeepSec. Moreover,
                  the soundness of the translation allows to directly
                  assume results proven by another tool which allows
                  to exploit the respective strengths of each tool. We
                  demonstrate our approach by analyzing various
                  existing models. This includes a large case study of
                  the 5G authentication protocols, previously analyzed
                  in Tamarin. Encoding this model in Sapic + we
                  demonstrate the effectiveness of our
                  approach. Moreover, we study four new case studies:
                  the LAKE and the Privacy-Pass protocols, both under
                  standardization, the SSH protocol with the
                  agent-forwarding feature, and the recent KEMTLS
                  protocol, a post-quantum version of the main TLS key
  address =	 {Boston, USA},
  author =	 {Cheval, Vincent and Jacomme, Charlie and Kremer,
                  Steve and K{\"{u}}nnemann, Robert},
  booktitle =	 {31st USENIX Security Symposium ({USENIX}
  month =	 aug,
  pages = {3935--3952},
  publisher =	 {{USENIX} Association},
  title =	 {Sapic+ : protocol verifiers of the world, unite!},
  year =	 2022,
  acronym =	 {{USENIX} Security'22},
  nmonth =	 8,