- Distinguished paper award for our paper
Hash Gone Bad: Automated discovery of protocol attacks that exploit hash function weaknesses at Usenix Security’23. - Charlie Jacomme received the GDR Sécurité PhD award and was a runner-up (“accessit”) for the Gilles Kahn award.
- Distinguished paper award for our paper DEEPSEC: Deciding Equivalence Properties in Security Protocols – Theory and Practice at S&P’18.
Our paper Automated verification of equivalence properties of cryptographic protocol is listed in ACM Computing Reviews‘ 21st Annual Best of Computing list of notable books and articles for 2016.
- Invited talk at CSF’16
- Recipient of an ERC Consolidator Grant: SPOOC (2015 -2020)
- Co-chair (with Jun Pang) of the Grande Region Security and Reliability Day 2016 (GRSRD’16)
- Co-chair (with Tomasz Truderung) of the Grande Region Security and Reliability Day 2015 (GRSRD’15)
- 14th International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD’14)
Bertinoro, Italy, 1-6 September 2014
- Co-chair (with Martín Abadi) of the 3rd Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST’14)
- Co-chair of the Computer Security track at the 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SEC@SAC’14)
- Formal Models and Techniques for Analyzing Security Protocols
Volume 5 Cryptology and Information Security Series
Edited by: V. Cortier and S. Kremer
March 2011, 312 pp., hardcover
Recent Projects
- PEPR Cybersecurity Security Verification Protocol SVP (2022-2028)
- ANR Research and teaching chair in AI ASAP (PI, 2020-2024)
- ERC Consolidator grant SPOOC (PI, 2015-2020)
- ANR Sequoia (PI, 2014-2019)
Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities
- Committee on Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities
- COST European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics
Steering committees:
- IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) 2010-2018
- Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST) 2012-2016
- European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) 2012-2014
Recent program committees:
- DEEPSEC : DEciding Equivalence Properties in SECurity protocols
- SAPIC: Automated verification of stateful security protocols (now integrated in Tamarin)
- AKISS (Active Knowledge In Security protocolS): verifying equivalence properties
- Théorie de la Sécurité (2012- )
- Cryptographic protocols: formal and computational proofs at the MPRI (2007-2011)
- “Méthodes de vérification de sécurité” at the Master Sécurité des Systèmes Informatiques (2007–2011)
- My pgp key
- My CV [.pdf]
- My Erdös number is 3