- Senior researcher (DR2) at Inria.
- Leader of the Inria Mocqua team.
- PI of the Quantum Sofware PEPR project EPIQ.
- co-head, with Renaud Vilmart, of the CNRS network on Quantum Computing GT IQ (Groupe de Travail Informatique Quantique). GT IQ is part of the CNRS GdR IFM (Groupe de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale et Mathématique).
- Local PIQ representative.
- Member of the Doctoral Commission at LORIA
- Member of the Inria Challenge project EQIP
- Member of the Inria Associate team TC(Pro)3
From 2016 to 2021, I served as the scientific secretary of Section 6 (Computer Science) at CoNRS (Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique / CNRS Scientific Board). From 2014 to 2021, I also served as a board member of the CNRS network on Quantum Engineering (GdR IQFA).
As of October 2021, I am senior researcher (Directeur de Recherche) at Inria. Form 2009 to 2021, I was a `Chargé de Recherche’ (junior researcher, tenure position) at CNRS (INS2I – section 6). From 2009 to 2013, I worked at the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) in the CAPP team. I moved to the CARTE team in LORIA in Sept 2013. Since January 2022 I am the leader of the Inria Mocqua team.
In 2016, I have been elected for 5 years as a member and scientific secretary of section 6 at CoNRS.
I obtained my HDR from Université de Lorraine, my PhD from Laboratoire Leibniz, Grenoble-INP, and my M.Sc from Université Joseph Fourier. I am a former student of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and of ENSIMAG.
Previous positions:
- CR CNRS @ Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications (LORIA);
- CR CNRS @ Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG);
- Postdoc @ Oxford University Computing Laboratory (OUCL);
- Postdoc @ Laboratory for Foundation of Computer Science (LFCS), University of Edinburgh;
- Postdoc @ Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes (PPS), Université Paris Diderot;
- PhD student @ Laboratoire Leibniz, supervisor: Philippe Jorrand.
On-going projects
- International
- National
- EPIQ @ PEPR Quantique. Study of the quantum stack [2022-2027] (Principal Investigator)
- NISQ2LSQ @PEPR Quantique [2022-2027]
- HQI @ Plan Quantique [2022-2027]
- MaQuEst [2025-2027] Maison du Quantique Grand Est (site leader)
Past projects:
- ANR PRCE SoftQPro [2017-2023]: Loria, Atos-Bull, LRI, CEA List, LRI. (Principal Investigator)
- STIC-AmSud project QAPLA Quantum aspects of programming languages (21-SITC-10) [2021 – 2022]: Argentina/Chile/France/Uruguay. (site leader)
- NEASQC [2020-2024] EU Quantum Flagship complementary call.
- Inria associate team TC(Pro)3 with Austria [2021-2024]
- Défi Inria EQIP [2021-2024] (WP leader)
- ANR PRCI VanQuTe [2017-2022]: France: Loria, Lip6, Singapore: SUTD, NUS, NTU. (site leader)
- PIA Quantex [2017-2021]: Atos, Loria, LRI, CEA/Leti. (WP leader, site leader)
- ECOS-Sud QuCa Quantum Calculi. [2018-2020] Argentina/France. (site leader)
- UOQ project, Future Leader 2018, initiative of Lorraine Universiteé d’Excellence (Principal Investigator)
- STIC FoQCoSS [2016-2017] Argentina/France. (site leader)
- PEPS CNRS Combinatorial Quantum Games [2016-2017] (member)
- ANR JCJC Causaq [2011-2017] (member)
- PEPS CNRS QuAND [2010-2011] (member)
- PEPS CNRS GraphIQ [2010-2011] (Principal Investigator)
Best Ph.D. thesis award from Grenoble INP for my [ Ph.D thesis ].
Current PhD students
- Vivien Vandaele [PhD UL 2021-… / CIFRE ATOS – CNRS] (cosupervised with Simon Martiel and Christophe Vuillot)
- Nathan Claudet [PhD UL 2022-… / PEPR EPIQ – Inria] (cosupervised with Mathilde Bouvel)
- Noé Delorme [PhD UL 2023-… / PEPR EPIQ, HQI – Inria] (cosupervised with Miriam Backens)
- Kathleen Barsse [PhD UL 2024-…/PEPR EPIQ, HQI – Inria] (cosupervised with Romain Péchoux)
- Colin Blake [PhD UL 2024-… / PEPR EPIQ, HQI – Inria] (cosupervised with Miriam Backens)
- Sébastien Draux [PhD UL 2024-… / CIFRE Quandela – Inria] (cosupervised with Emmanuel Jeandel)
Former PhD Students
- Margarita Veshchezerova [PhD UL 2019-2022 / CIFRE EDF – UL] (cosupervised with Marc Porcheron and E. Jeandel)
-> Now Research Scientist at Terra Quantum (start up, Switzerland) - Agustin Borgna [PhD UL 2019-2023 / ANR SoftQPro] (cosupervised with Benoît Valiron)
-> Now Research Scientist at Quantinuum (start up, Cambridge, UK). - Alexandre Clément [PhD UL 2019-2023/ CDSN ENS Lyon] (cosupervised with Emmanuel Jeandel)
-> Now Postdoc at at Quacs, LMF. - Robert Booth [PhD Sorbonne Université, 2018-2022 / ANR VanQuTe] (cosupervised with Damian Markham)
-> Now Postdoc at LFCS, Edinburgh - Titouan Carette [PhD UL 2018-2021 / CDSN ENS Lyon] (cosupervised with Emmanuel Jeandel)
-> Now Junior Professor (CPJ) at Ecole Polytechnique / LIX. - Renaud Vilmart [PhD UL 2016-2019] (cosupervised with Emmanuel Jeandel)
-> Now Inria researcher (ISFP) at Quacs, LMF - David Cattaneo [PhD Student Grenoble University, defended in 2017] (cosupervised with Pablo Arrighi)
-> Now research engineer at Alten. - Jérôme Javelle [PhD Student Grenoble University, defended in 2014] (cosupervised with Pablo Arrighi and Mehdi Mhalla)
-> Now working for a Quantum Computing Start up (UK).
- Kostia Chardonnet [2024-… EPIQ]
- Cole Comfort [2023-2024 NEASQC]
-> Now Postdoc at Quacs, LMF. - Timothée Goubault de Brugière [2021-2022 Quantex/VanQuTe]
-> Now research scientist at Quandela. - Marc De Visme [2020 – 2021 – Quantex]
> Now Inria researcher (CRCN) in the Inria Quacs team, LMF. - Vladimir Zamdzhiev [2018 – 2020 – Quantex and Region Lorraine]
-> Now Inria researcher (ISFP) in the Inria Mocqua team, LORIA. - Francesco Arzani [2018-2019 – ANR VanQuTe]
-> Now Humboldt Postdoc, Freie Universität Berlin. - Harny (Quanlong) Wang [2015-2016 – Postdoc Région Lorraine]
-> Now Research associate at University of Oxford.
- Noé Delorme [M2 Telecom Paris / Technical University of Munich, 2022]
- Nathan Claudet [MPRI, Telecom Paris, 2022]
- Léopold Brasseur [L3, ENS Paris Saclay, 2022]
- Alexandre Clément [PreDoc ENS Lyon 2019]
- Titouan Carette [M2 ENS Lyon 2018]
- Henri de Boutray [M2 Esisar 2018]
- Renaud Vilmart [M2 UL 2016]
- Arinta Primandini Auza [M2 ENS Cachan 2016]
- Nidhal Hamrit [M2 Telcom Paristech 2015]
- Ali Assaf [M1 Ecole Polytechnique 2011]
- Luc Pellissier [L3 ENS Cachan 2011]
- David Cattaneo [M2 UJF 2012]
I am interested in Quantum Computing (QC) and more precisely in the Foundational Structures for Quantum Information and Computation. I am working on
- Models of QC (measurement-based quantum computing, quantum Turing machines)
- High-level methods for QC (ZX-calculus, circuit optimisation, category theory, semantic techniques, abstract interpretation, typing system)
- Quantum algorithms (NISQ, QAOA)
- Graph theory and QC connections (flow, local complementation, graph state)
- Quantum cryptography (secret sharing)