Internships Supervizing
- Jad Alhajj, 2nd year Master student at University of Rennes 1 from February to August 2021.
- Asha Begam Mohamed Mubarak, 2nd year Master student at University of Rennes 1 from April to August 2019.
- Bastien Thomas, 3rd year Bachelor student at ENS Rennes from June to July 2016.
Collective Responsabilities
- President of AFoDIB (association of PhD students in computer science in Bordeaux) from 2014 to 2015.
Program Committees
- CCGrid 2021.
- HPCS 2020.
- CCGrid 2020.
- CCGrid 2019.
- IEEE BigDataSE 2019.
- HPC Asia 2019.
- International Journals : Cluster Computing, FGCS, Transaction on Parallel Computing, JPDC, TPDS, Transactions on Cloud Computings, Journal of Grid Computing.
- International Conferences : SC'15, IPDPS'16, HiPC'16, IPDPS'17, ICPP'17, Euro-Par'18, ICPADS'18, ISPA'18, Euro-Par'19, HPBDC'19, ICA3PP'19, CLUSTER'19, HPBDC'20, Euro-Par'20, ICPP'20, ICPADS'20, IPDPS'21, Euro-Par'21.