Abdel Belaïd |
Head of the group READ LORIA UMR 7503 Campus scientifique B.P. 239 54506 Vandoeuvre Lès Nancy Cedex, France Phone: (33) Fax: (33) abdel.belaid@loria.fr LORIA Professor,
Université de Lorraine
Abdel Belaid received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science in 1979 and his D.Sc. in 1987 from the University Henri Poincaré Nancy I, France. After a few years as Assistant Professor, he joined the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) as a Research Scientist in 1984. In 2002, he became full Professor in Unversité de Lorraine and responsible of the Cognitive Science Master. He leads since 1992 a research group at the LORIA (http://read.loria.fr/) working on Document Analysis and Text Recognition. His areas of research include Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Document Analysis and Handwriting Recognition where he has authored over 150 articles which have been published in international journals and conferences. He is the co-author of a book, Pattern Recognition: Methods and Applications, and of many book chapters. He has developed retro-conversion techniques for document structure recognition using multi-agent systems, reasoning based cases, emergent architectures and part of speech tagging. For text printed, he developed several systems based on Neural classifiers and a on a combination of OCR and ICR techniques. He developed handwriting recognition systems based on stochastic modelling, for linear and bi-dimensional representations. Abdel Belaid has a wide national and international visibility as he acts in several program committees and editorial boards such as International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, IEEE PAMI, ICDAR where he is PC co-chair, etc. He has several collaborations with several universities and high schools (IUF Fribourg - Switzerland, ENIT, ESSTT - Tunisia, PUC in Brasil, ISI - Calcutta India, ETS - Montreal), and industrial companies (Xerox France, ITESFOT, A2iA, Berger-Levrault, Jouve, La Poste, Universalis, etc.) with whom he developed several systems. He belongs to several scientific committees. |
Version of December 2015, Contact : Abdel Belaid