home research various publications

« J'ai, captif, épousé le ralenti du lierre à l'assaut de la pierre de l'éternité. »
René Char, L'avant-monde, Afin qu'il n'y soit rien changé.

Database: HAL; DBLP; ORCID


Regional Controllability of Cellular Automata as a SAT Problem
Franco Bagnoli, Sara Dridi, N.F.

Reversibility of elementary cellular automata with fully asynchronous updating: An analysis of the rules with partial recurrence
Souvik Roy, N.F., Sukanta Das
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 1011, 2024, p. 114721

Asynchronous Cellular Systems that Solve the Parity Problem
Proceedings of AUTOMATA'24, Springer LNCS 14782, 2024, p. 133-145

Properties of B2B invoice graphs and detection of structures
Joannès Guichon, Nazim Fatès, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, and Massimo Amato
Complex Networks & Their Applications XII ; Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2024, p. 444-455

Journal papers

Self-stabilisation of cellular automata on tilings
Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 185(1), 2022, p. 27-82
With : Irène Marcovici and Siamak Taati

A tutorial on elementary cellular automata with fully asynchronous updating
Natural Computing, vol. 19(1), 2020, p. 179-197

Remarks on the cellular automaton global synchronisation problem – deterministic vs. stochastic models
Natural Computing, vol. 18(3), 2019, p. 429-444

Local structure approximation as a predictor of second-order phase transitions in asynchronous cellular automata
With : Henryk Fuks
Natural Computing, vol. 14(4), 2015, p. 507-522

A guided tour of asynchronous cellular automata
Journal of Cellular Automata, vol. 9(5-6), 2014, p. 387-416

First steps on asynchronous lattice-gas models with an application to a swarming rule
With : Olivier Bouré and Vincent Chevrier
Natural Computing, vol. 12(4), 2013, p. 551-560

Stochastic cellular automata solutions to the density classification problem
Theory of Computing Systems, vol. 53(2), 2013, p. 223-242

Density classification on infinite lattices and trees
With : Ana Busić, Irène Marcovici and Jean Mairesse
Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 18(51), 2013, p. 1-22

Robustness of multi-agent models: The example of collaboration between tumites with synchronous and asynchronous updating
With : Selma Belgacem
Complex systems, vol. 21(3), 2012, p. 165-182

A Robust Scheme for Aggregating Quasi-Blind Robots in an Active Environment
With : Nikolaos Vlassopoulos
International Journal of Swarm Inteligence Research, vol. 3(3), 2012, p. 66-80

Probing robustness of cellular automata through variations of asynchronous updating
With : Olivier Bouré and Vincent Chevrier
Natural Computing, vol. 11(4), 2012, p. 553-564

Large-scale Simulations on FPGAs: Finding the Asymptotic Critical Threshold of the Greenberg-Hastings Cellular Automata
With : Nikolaos Vlassopoulos, Hugues Berry, Bernard Girau
Journal of Cellular Automata, vol. 7(1), 2012, p. 5-29

Robustness of the Critical Behaviour in the Stochastic Greenberg-Hastings Cellular Automaton Model
With : Hugues Berry
International Journal of Unconventional Computing, vol. 7(1-2), 2011, p. 65-85

Solving the decentralised gathering problem with a reaction-diffusion-chemotaxis scheme - Social amoebae as a source of inspiration
Swarm Intelligence, vol. 4(2), 2010, p. 91-115

Examples of Fast and Slow Convergence of 2D Asynchronous Cellular Systems [long version]
With : Lucas Gerin
Journal of Cellular Automata, vol. 4(4), 2009, p. 323-337

Asynchronism Induces Second Order Phase Transitions in Elementary Cellular Automata
Journal of Cellular Automata, vol. 4(1), 2009, p. 21-38

Fully asynchronous behavior of double-quiescent elementary cellular automata
With : Michel Morvan, Nicolas Schabanel, Eric Thierry
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 362(1-3), 2006, p. 1-16

An Experimental Study of Robustness to Asynchronism for Elementary Cellular Automata
With : Michel Morvan
Complex Systems, vol. 16(1), 2005, p. 1-27

Book chapters

Asynchronous cellular automata
Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Robert Meyers editor, Springer, 2018, 21 pages

On the Reversibility of ECAs with Fully Asynchronous Updating: The Recurrence Point of View
With : Sukanta Das and Biswanath Sethi
in Reversibility and Universality, A. Adamatzky (ed.), Emergence, Complexity and Computation, volume 30, 2018, p. 313-332

A Trade-Off Between Simplicity and Robustness? Illustration on a Lattice-Gas Model of Swarming
With : Vincent Chevrier and Olivier Bouré
in Probabilistic Cellular Automata: Theory, Applications and Future Perspectives, P.-Y. Louis and F. Nardi (eds.), Emergence, Complexity and Computation, volume 27, 2018, p. 239-259

Aesthetics and Randomness in Cellular Automata
Designing Beauty: The Art of Cellular Automata ; edited by A. Adamatzky and G. Martínez, Springer, 2016, p. 137-139

Does Life resist asynchrony?
Game of Life Cellular Automata ; edited by A. Adamatzky, Springer, 2010, p. 257-274

Invited papers

A guided tour of asynchronous cellular automata
Proceedings of Automata'13 - LNCS 8155 , Gießen (Germany), 2013, p. 15-30

A note on the classification of the most simple asynchronous cellular automata
Proceedings of Automata'13 - LNCS 8155 , Gießen (Germany), 2013, p. 31-45

Critical phenomena in cellular automata: perturbing the update, the transitions, the topology
Acta Physica Polonica B - Proceedings Supplement, vol. 3 - No 2, 2010, p. 315-325

Proceedings papers

A Decentralised Diagnosis Method with Probabilistic Cellular Automata
Proceedings of AUTOMATA'23, LNCS 14152, 2023, p. 60-73
With : Régine Marchand and Irène Marcovici

Amoebae for clustering: a bio-inspired cellular automata method for data classification
Automata and Complexity, A. Adamatzky (ed.) ; Emergence, Complexity and Computation series, vol. 42, Springer, 2022, p. 417-432
With : Emmanuel Jeandel and Amaury Saint-Jore

Cellular Automata for the Self-stabilisation of Colourings and Tilings
Proceedings of RP'19, LNCS 11674, 2019, p. 121-136
With : Irène Marcovici and Siamak Taati

Diagnostic décentralisé à l'aide d'automates cellulaires
With : Irène Marcovici and Nicolas Gauville
Proceedings of JFSMA'19 , Toulouse (France), 2019, p. 96-105

A Pedagogical Example: A Family of Stochastic Cellular Automata that Plays Alesia
Proceedings of ACRI'18, LNCS 11115, 2018, p. 385-395

Diploid Cellular Automata: First Experiments on the Random Mixtures of Two Elementary Rules
Proceedings of Automata'17 - LNCS 10248, Milano (Italy), 2017, p. 97-108

Collective Infotaxis with Reactive Amoebae: A Note on a Simple Bio-inspired Mechanism
Proceedings of Acri'16 - LNCS 9863, Fez (Morocco), 2016, p. 157-165

Two-Dimensional Traffic Rules and the Density Classification Problem
With : Irène Marcovici and Siamak Taati
Proceedings of Automata'16 - LNCS 9664, Zürich (Switzerland), 2016, p. 135-148

Remarks on the Cellular Automaton Global Synchronisation Problem
Proceedings of Automata'15 - LNCS 9099, Turku (Finland), 2015, p. 113-126

Quick convergence to a fixed point: A note on asynchronous elementary cellular automata
Proceedings of ACRI'14 - LNCS 8751, Kraków (Poland), 2014, p. 586-595

Bifurcations of local structure maps as predictors of phase transitions in asynchronous cellular automata
With : Henryk Fukś
Proceedings of ACRI'14 - LNCS 8751, Kraków (Poland), 2014, p. 556-560

Reversibility of Elementary Cellular Automata under fully asynchronous update
With : Biswanath Sethi and Sukanta Das
Proceedings of TAMC'14 - LNCS 8402 , Chennai (India), 2014, p. 39-49

A Robustness Approach to Study Metastable Behaviours in a Lattice-Gas Model of Swarming
With : Olivier Bouré & Vincent Chevrier
Proceedings of Automata'13 - LNCS 8155 , Gießen (Germany), 2013, p. 84-97

A note on the Density Classification Problem in Two Dimensions
Proceedings of Automata'12, Bastia-La Marana (France), exploratory paper, 2012.

First Steps on Asynchronous Lattice-Gas Models with an Application to a Swarming Rule
With : Olivier Bouré & Vincent Chevrier
Proceedings of ACRI'12 - LNCS 7495, Santorini (Greece), 2012, p. 633-642

Density Classification on Infinite Lattices and Trees
With : Ana Busic, Jean Mairesse & Irène Marcovici
Proceedings of LATIN'12 - LNCS 7256, Arequipa (Peru), 2012, p. 109-120

A Robust Aggregation Method for Quasi-blind Robots in an Active Environment
With : Nikolaos Vlassopoulos
Proceedings of ICSI'11; Paper 10 (Online publication)

Robustness of Cellular Automata in the Light of Asynchronous Information Transmission
With : Olivier Bouré & Vincent Chevrier
Proceedings of UC'11 - LNCS 9714, Turku (Finland), 2011, p. 52-63

Stochastic Cellular Automata Solve the Density Classification Problem with an Arbitrary Precision
Proceedings of STACS'11, Dortmund (Germany), 2011, p. 284-295

Clustering Behavior of a Bio-inspired Decentralized Aggregation Scheme
Proceedings of ECAL'11 (ext. abstr.), Paris (France), 2011, p. 836-837

Brothers in Arms? On AI Planning and Cellular Automata
With : Joerg Hoffmann & Hector Palacios
Proceedings of ECAI'10, Lisbon (Portugal), 2010, p. 223-228

An FPGA Design for the Stochastic Greenberg-Hastings Cellular Automata
With : Nikolaos Vlassopoulos, Hugues Berry and Bernard Girau
Proceedings of HPCS'10, Caen (France), 2010, p. 565-574

How important are updating schemes in multi-agent systems? An illustration on a multi-turmite model.
With : Vincent Chevrier
Proceedings of AAMAS' 10, Toronto (Canada), May 2010, p. 533-540

Robustness of the Critical Behaviour in a Discrete Stochastic Reaction-diffusion Medium
With : Hugues Berry
Proceedings of IWNC'09 - Springer PICT vol. 2, Himeji (Japan), 2010, p. 141-148

Translating Discrete Multi-Agents Models into Cellular Automata, Application to Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
With : Antoine Spicher and Olivier Simonin
Revised Selected Papers of ICAART 2009, CCIS 67, 2010, p. 422-429

Examples of Fast and Slow Convergence of 2D Asynchronous Cellular Systems [short version]
With : Lucas Gerin
Proceedings of ACRI'08, LNCS 5191, 2008, p. 184-191

Directed percolation phenomena in asynchronous Elementary Cellular Automata
Proceedings of ACRI'06, LNCS 4173, 2006, p. 667-675

Asynchronous behavior of double-quiescent elementary cellular automata
With : Nicolas Schabanel, Damien Regnault and Eric Thierry
Proceedings of LATIN'06, LNCS 3887, 2006, p. 455-466

Fully asynchronous behavior of double-quiescent elementary cellular automata
With : Michel Morvan, Nicolas Schabanel, Eric Thierry
Proceedings of MFCS'06, LNCS 3618, 2006, p. 316-327

Perturbing the Topology of the Game of Life Increases Its Robustness to Asynchrony
With : Michel Morvan
Proceedings of ACRI'04, LNCS 3305, 2004, p. 111-120

Experimental study of Elementary Cellular Automata dynamics using the density parameter
Proceedings of DMCS'03, DMTCS 2003, in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings AB , p. 155-166

Research reports

A robustness approach to study metastable behaviours in a lattice-gas model of swarming
With : Olivier Bouré and Vincent Chevrier
Short version presented at AUTOMATA 2013 (see above).

Multi-agent Systems as Discrete Dynamical Systems: Influences and Reactions as a Modelling Principle
With : Vincent Chevrier
Short version presented at AAMAS'10 (see above).

Editorial work

Discrete models of complex systems: Recent trends and analytical challenges
Physica D, Special issue, 2022-2023

Automates cellulaires et réseaux d'automates Le rôle central de l'irrégularité
Technique et science informatiques, 2015, vol. 34-4

Philosophie (in French)

Turing et la dimension ontologique du jeu
Philosophia scientiae, vol. 16-3, 2012, p. 7-16

Les automates cellulaires : vers une nouvelle épistémologie ?
Mémoire de DEA, sous la direction de Jean Mosconi, Paris I - Sorbonne, 2000.
Prix Irène Meynieux 2005, descerné par l'Association française pour l'avancement des sciences (AFAS).

Habilitation thesis (in French)

Robustesse des systèmes complexes : étude du rôle de l’aléa dans la dynamique des automates cellulaires
Habilitation à dirgier les recherches ; 2024 ; Université de Lorraine


Artificial intelligence in the service of health and safety at work: Perspectives and challenges from now to 2035 - A prospective study
Marc Malenfer, Michael Sarrey, Jennifer Clerté, Michel Hery, Martin Bieri, Bertrand Braunschweig, Régis Chatellier, Nazim Fatès, Sylvain Halluin, François de Jouvenel, Vincent Mandinaud, Jorge Munoz, Anani Olympio, Thimotée Silvestre, Jean-François Soupizet

Last Update : Mar. 2025