About Me

I am a tenured research scientist within the project-team MACARON (Strasbourg, France). This is a joint research team of Inria Nancy – Grand Est (my employer) and Université of Strasbourg within the mixed research unit IRMA (Institut de Recherche Mathématiqus Avancée, UMR 7501).

Research interests in brief

The quickest way to present my research is that I develop mathematical models and algorithms to process and understand audio signals recorded by microphones. Examples of technological applications of this field are interactive robots with auditory abilities, diagnostic for building acoustics, automatic speech recognition or hearing aids. My research contributions mostly lie within the following fields:

  • Audio signal processing : Sound source localization, separation and enhancement
  • Acoustics : Estimation of the acoustic properties of an environment from sounds (acoustic echoes, surface absorption, noise type and loudness…)
  • Machine learning : Convex and nonconvex optimization, nonlinear regression, dictionary learning, Bayes’ statistics
  • Robot audition : Speaker localization and egonoise reduction
  • Image signal processing / Computer vision : Hyperspectral imaging, face pose estimation


Since January 2016, I am a tenured research scientist (Chargé de recherche) with Inria. I started in the PANAMA research group (Rennes, France) before moving to the team MULTISPEECH (Nancy, France) in April 2018 and finally to my current team MACARON (Strasbourg, France) in October 2023. I received the engineering B.Sc. (2008) and M.Sc. (2010) degrees in computer science and mathematics from the school Ensimag (Grenoble, France), as well as the specialized M.Sc. research degree in computer graphics, vision and robotics from the Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France). In November 2013, I received the Ph.D. degree in computer sciences and applied mathematics of the university of Grenoble (France), under the supervision of Radu Horaud (PhD thesis available online in English). I was then employed as a postdoctoral fellow for two years (2014-2015) at the chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing of the Friedrich-Alexander-University (Erlangen, Germany) with Prof. Walter Kellerman.

In 2014, I received the French PhD thesis award in signal image and vision, jointly delivered every year by the GRETSI, the club EEA and the GdR ISIS. I also received a best conference paper award at ICIP 2015 and a best journal paper award in 2016. I co-chaired and co-organized four special sessions on various aspects of learning-based audio scene analysis and phase retrieval at the international conferences ICASSP (2016, 2018) and LVA/ICA (2017, 2018). I initiated and coordinated the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2019. I was the main coordinator of the Journée Science et Musique 2016 and 2017 (Rennes, France), two wide-audience one-day events on the science and technologies behind music and sounds (600 visitors/day). From 2018 to 2023, I served as an elected member of the IEEE technical committee on Audio Acoustics and Signal Processing (two terms). I am an associated editor for the EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing since September 2022.

CV (June 2023).