Accessing Windows machines from UL


Emmanuel Jeandel


April 23, 2023

Université de Lorraine provides the personnel and students with virtual machines with Windows that you can access for a few applications, among which Microsoft Office. This is useful if you have to edit Microsoft Word documents and LibreOffice doesn’t work.

To access the machines, you should use Citrix Workspace App.

Installation of Citrix Workspace App

  • Go to and install the application

  • On my Debian system, I also needed to install the package libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 for it to work

  • Copy the certificate for Comodo from firefox to Citrix:

cp /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Comodo_AAA_Services_root.crt /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/AAA.pem
  • I have tried taking directly the ca-ul.pem certificate instead, but it seems to be different from the virtul certificate.

User install

  • Alternatively, you can download the .tar.gz version, make a icaclient directory and untar it inside the icaclient directory (the tar doesn’t create a directory…) and launch the setupwfc script inside to install it

  • Then the previous lines work mutatis mutandis to put the certificate.


Just launch


Put as the server. You should probably configure the app so that your HOME directory appears inside the virtual machine, by clicking on settings.