A list of slides of talks i have given at various seminars.
Symbolic Dynamics and Algebra
- Symbolic Dynamics and Bialgebra, talk given at ACT 2022.
- PROPs and Symbolic Dynamics, talk given at SDA2 seminar, 2021.
- Symbolic Dynamics as a category notion, talk given at I2M seminar, 2020.
- ZX-Calculus, introductory talk given at EDF seminar, in 2022.
Computable Algebra
- Computability in Closure Spaces, LSV seminar 2020.
Quantum Computation
- L’algorithme de Grover (in french) introductory talk to the Grover Algorithm, Ecole Quantique et RO, 2021.
Turing Machines
- Entropy and Speed of Turing Machines, Talk given at LIAFA Seminar, 2014.
Tilings and Symbolic Dynamics
- The Domino Problem: Raiders of the lost proof, Escape seminar, 2009. A (somehow forgotten) proof of the undecidability of the domino problem by Lewis and Aanderaa.
- Pavages et logique (in french), LAMA seminar, Chambery, 2008.
- Pavages et logique (in french), Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, 2008
- Aspects structurels des pavages (in french), séminaire des élèves, ENS Lyon, 2007.
Matrix groups and Quantum Computation
- Computing with Infinite groups, Seminar at the Paderborn Institute for Scientific Computation (PASCO), November 2005.
- Algebraic Techniques in Quantum Computation, PhD defense, April 8th, 2005
- Ensemble de portes quantiques universelles (in french) seminar for the (regretted) Quantum team of the LRI laboratory, Mar 18th, 2003.
- Suites récurrentes linéaires, MC2 seminar, Jan 15th, 2003.
- Automates quantiques et indécidabilité, Talk for the Master’s Thesis
- Indécidabilité sur les automates quantiques, Première Journée de l’action spécifique nouveaux modèles de calcul, June, 5th, 2002