
This project brings together computational and probabilistic geometers to tackle new probabilistic geometry problems arising from the design and analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures. We focus on properties of discrete structures induced by or underlying random continuous geometric objects. This raises questions such as:


logo inria nancy Géométrica (Sophia-Antipolis)
Olivier Devillers

Végas (Nancy) - LIGM (Marne-la-Vallée)
Xavier Goaoc (coordinator)
logo CNRS LMRS (Rouen) - LMA (Poitiers) - MAPMO (Orléans)
Pierre Calka

logo ANR The project is supported by white program of the French National Research Agency, from December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2015.
Last modified on 2014-07-07. Contact Guillaume Moroz for feedbacks.