
  • Malika Smaïl-Tabbone – malika.smail@loria.fr
  • Professor – Computer Science
  • Université de Lorraine
  • Member of Capsid Team

Research activity

My research interests cover relational data integration, data mining, knowledge discovery process from data with applications in the life sciences and biomedical areas. Recent works are related to knowledge graph embeddings, Graph Neural Networks,  and inductive databases.

Grants and projects

I am coordinating on the French side a France-Brazil CAPES-COFEUC cooperation program entitled « New drugs against invasive fungal infections: from hits to optimised leads through machine learning » (2023-2027)

I am PI on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning  in the CARE-In-Health Horizon Europe Project coordinated by Professor Magnus Bäck (2022-2027)

I was co-responsible of a workpackage in the RHU project entitled Fight Heart failure (FHF), coordinated by Professor Patrick Rossignol. This RHU research project which was granted with 9M€ as a future-investment project (2015-2021)

I was part of the CPER project entitled ITM2P (Innovations Technologiques, Modélisation et Médecine Personnalisée), coordinated by professor Faiez Zannad, was granted with 4.3 M€ for medical devices and for setting up technological platforms. I was involved in the so-called SMEC platform which stands for Simulation, modeling and knowledge extraction from bio-medical data (2015-2020)

PhD supervision and co-supervision

  • Victor Pryakhin, Elucidating the dynamical  conformational landscape of protein-RNA complexes
  • Anna Kravchenko, Fragment-based docking of protein-RNA complexes for protein design
  • Kamrul Mohamed Islam, Link prediction in large complex graphs – Application to drug repurposing
  • Athénais Vaginay, Synthèse de réseaux Booléens à partir de la structure et de la dynamique des réseaux de réactions
  • Kevin Dalleau, Une approche stochastique à base d’arbres aléatoires pour le calcul de dissimilarités : application au clustering pour diverses structures de données
  •  Mehwish Alam, Interactive Knowledge Discovery over the Web of Data
  • Adrien Coulet , Intégration et extraction de connaissances à partir de données cliniques et génétiques
  • Nizar Messai, Extraction de connaissances et Web sémantique : application à la recherche et l’interrogation de ressources génomiques sur le Web
  • Léo Ghemtio, Simulations numériques et approche orientée connaissance pour la découverte de nouvelles molécules thérapeutiques


  • Member of the editorial Board of Scientific Reports Journal (Springer-Nature editing group)
  • Member of the scientific board (conseil scientifique) of Université de Lorraine (2023-)
  • Member of the national council of universities, CNU section 27 (2007-2012)
  • Expert for ANR and HCERES
  • Member of the Board of the faculty of sciences (2006-2010)
  • Member of several recruitment committees in computer science, bio-informatics, ecology.