I am a CNRS researcher, working in the CARAMBA team at LORIA in Nancy, France.
News (May 2022): With Véronique Cortier, I have written a book called « Le vote électronique – Les défis du secret et de la transparence ».
News (June 2022): With Véronique Cortier and Stéphane glondu, I have been acting as an independent third-party for ensuring some verifiability properties during the French legislative election, for which Internet voting was used by people living outside France.
Research interests:
- Elliptic and hyperelliptic curves for cryptography (point counting, discrete logarithm, efficient group law);
- Integer factorization (in particular the Number Field Sieve algorithm);
- Discrete logarithm problem in finite fields;
- Electronic voting.
Short vita:
- Born in 1973, French citizenship
- PhD defended in 2000, at École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, under the supervision of François Morain
- Hired as a junior CNRS researcher (Chargé de recherche) in 2000 at LIX, École polytechnique
- Moved to LORIA, Nancy, France in 2005
- Habilitation (HdR) defended in 2008, at Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy
- CNRS researcher (Directeur de recherche) in 2010, at LORIA