Miguel Couceiro

Professor in Computer Science, IDMC at Université de Lorraine

Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus European master’s program LCT at Université de Lorraine

Responsible of the 2nd year of the master’s program NLP at Université de Lorraine

Responsible of the international relations at the IDMC

Researcher at LORIA (CNRS – Inria Nancy G.E. – Université de Lorraine)

Responsible of team Orpailleur, LORIA

Organizer of the MALOTEC seminars

Contact: miguel dot couceiro at {loria, inria} dot fr
Phone: +33 (0) 354 958 403
Office: B144
Address: Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria
LORIA, F-54000 Nancy, France

Research interests:
Knowledge representation and discovery
Multicriteria decision making
Fair and explainable models
Multiple-valued logic and universal algebra
Lattice theory and ordered sets

External links:
Mathematics & theoretical computer science: MathSciNet, zbMATH
Computer science & applications: DBLP

March 2023.
ICCBR 2023 workshop Analogies: from Theory to Applications (ATA) (Deadline: May 22, 2023!)
March 2023.
IJCAI 2023 workshop Interactions between Analogical Reasoning and Machine Learning (IARML) (Deadline: May 1, 2023!)
January 2023.
Special issue Analogies: from Mathematical Foundations to Applications and Interactions with ML and AI (S722: Analogical reasoning) in Springer Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI). Extended deadline: 1 of June, 2023.
December 2022. 3 year Research Engineer position. Start: September, 2023. For more details on the position and application, please feel free to contact me. Announcement and application.
April 2022.  ICCBR 2022 workshop Analogies: from Theory to Applications (ATA) (Deadline: 13 of June, 2022!)
March 2022.  IJCAI-ECAI 2022 workshop Interactions between Analogical Reasoning and Machine Learning (IARML) (Deadline: 20 of May, 2022!)
December 2021. New platform ANNa: a tool for detecting and solving analogies (with E. Marquer)
November 2021. Invited talk Impossibility theorems over median algebras and beyond at PALS – Panglobal Algebra and Logic Seminar
September 2021. Invited talk Forêts d’arbres aleatoires pour le clustering de données complexes (with K. Dalleau & M. Smail-Tabbone) at AFIA-SFC : Recent advances on unsupervised learning
July 2021. Course Addressing algorithmic fairness through metrics and explanations (with C. Palamidessi) in the First Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI (IDAI 2021)
July 2021. Special session Fair and explainable models I & II (With L. Galarraga) at EURO XXI
June 2021. CFPs for Feature Issue on Fair and Explainable Decision Support Systems (Deadline: 31 of May, 2022!)