Current projects
LAR(Living Assistant Robot) a Project funded by “Investissement d’avenir” or “Investments for the Future” program, a government initiative to reinforce long-term French competitiveness. LAR project has the objective to designing a personal assistant robot to improve the autonomy and quality of life for elderly and fragile persons at home
SATELOR Project funded by Economic mobilisation agency in Lorraine. The objective of the project is to develop new services for maintaining safely elderly people with loss of autonomy at home or people with a chronic illness.
PAL(Personally Assisted Living), an Inria Project Lab. The objective is to create a research infrastructure that will enable experiments with technologies for improving the quality of life for persons who have suffered a loss of autonomy through age, illness or accident.
MUROTEX(Multi-agent coordination in robotics exploration and reconnaissance missions) is a Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) with Olivier Simonin from Insa Lyon, Citi lab and Jan Faigl from Czech Technical University in Prague. The main objective of the project is to develop a distributed planning framework for efficient task-allocation planning in exploration and reconnaissance missions by a group of mobile robots operating in an unknown environment with considering communication constraints and uncertainty in localization of the individual team members. One main challenge is to decentralize the decision, in order to scaling up with large fleet of robots (existing solutions are centralized or depend on full communication).
Past projects
InTraDE a European Interreg IVB project on Intelligent Transportation for Dynamic Environment
PEA DGA SUSIE : SUpervision de Systèmes d’Intelligence en Essaim (Funded by DGA)
ANR Cartomatic : CARTographie et localisation d’Objects Multi-robots: architecture, Technique de déploiement, positionnement Intra-robots et Communications
DGA PEA DOPEC on the optimization of the use of sensor systems. In collaboration with EADS (project leader) and the LAAS, we work on autonomous sequential decision making problems. We are more particularly interested, on the one hand, in multi-agent problems and, on the other hand, in taking uncertainties into account.
The COMAC project, currently in its starting phase, is part of the Materalia competitive cluster. The main objective of the project is to develop diagnosis tools for the low cost identification of defaults in aeronautics parts made of composite materials.
Collaboration with Gambro and Diatelic through a CIFRE convention to develop an automated classifier which estimates the risk related to the vascular access. The system will be included in Gambro software within dialyzers in 2010.
A Formal Study of Coordination and Control of Collaborative Multi-Agent Systems: INRIA associated team with University of Massachusetts at Amhersts
SMAART : coordination of Unmanned Aerial Vehicules (Funded by DGA)
SCOUT : Survey of catastrophe and observation in Urban territories
CRISTAL : for a new concept of individual public vehicles
PAUSA : Authority distribution in the aeronautical system (PAUSA is one of the major projects of the Aerospace Valley, which is the National aeronautics, space and embedded systems competitiveness cluster)
TACOS (funded by ANR SETIN) : Trustworthy Assembling of Components: frOm requirements to Specification
TRANSPLANTELIC : Tele-monitoring of people after kidney transplantation
Predica (funded by ANR TECSAN) : Fall prevention for elderly people
Cardiabase : The core issue of this project is to develop a decision-making system for the segmentation of cardiac data (ECGs and holters), in order to assess the cardiac consequences (side effects) of new drugs.
MOBIVIP (2004-2006): for a new concept of individual public vehicles
DialHemo (january 2003- november 2005) (funded by INRIA) : tele-monitoring of people suffering from kidney desease
RNTS ParaChute 2003-2005
Self-Directed Cooperative Planetary Rovers Sponsored by NASA Aerospace Technology Enterprise
Formal Study of Coordination and Control of Collaborative Multi-Agent Systems Sponsored by National Science Foundation and INRIA
RNTS DEPIC (Détecteur précoce d’infection cutanée (DEPIC) en Dialyse Péritonéale)2002-2004
COROCOP : Contrôle de Robots Coopératifs et Planétaires soutenu par le programme ROBEA.
Projet européen IST ELIN 3ans: The objective of ELIN project has been to improve current electronic newspapers, enhancing the user experience by introducing interactive features, advanced personalization and ubiquity of use.
Projet européen IST Ozone 2ans, The OZONE project has investigated, defined and implemented/integrated a generic framework to enable consumer oriented ambient intelligence applications
Projet européen ITEA n°01011 Proteus, october 2002 to february 2005
Projet Eureka KVM, 2 ans
- ACI-Technologies pour la Santé : projet Tiissad (Technologies de l’Information Intégrées aux Services des Soins A Domicile) 1999-2001
Convention avec EDF, 3 ans : définition d’un modèle de décision pour piloter des tâches destinées à l’interprétation de signaux
action coopérative INRIA LIRE : Résolutions de problèmes avec LImitation de REssources"
Projet NSF-INRIA Resource-Bounded Knowledge-Based Systems II (1999-2001)
Projet NSF-INRIA Resource-Bounded Knowledge-Based Systems I (1996-1999): Development of the Progressive Processing model and an Optimal meta-level control of resource-bounded systems.
Convention n° A 93 78 656 00 405 75 78 avec l’Etablissement des Constructions Navales de la DGA (CPM) : Une approche anytime pour l’ordonnancement de tâches non-préemptives, durée 6mois , 7 hommes.mois
REAKTANSE: Esprit Project REAKTANSE n°20938 avec Thomson (France), VTT (Finlande) et Rautaruuki Oy (Finlande) durée : 2ans/ 77,5 hommes.mois
REAKT II: REAKT I project has been continued as REAKT II, Esprit project n° 7805
Projet DBB : Convention du Ministère de l’Industrie n° avec IloG et Matra, Durée 2 ans
REAKT I: Esprit project n°5146 , The primary objective of the REAKT project is to develop a set of tools and the associated methodology for applying knowledge-based systems in real-time domains. The project is to produce definitions, specifications and prototypes of various techniques, to be eventually integrated into a toolkit for the efficient development, deployment and maintenance of knowledge-based modules that can be embedded into real-time applications.
AITRAS: ESPRIT project n° 2167 with Cognitech (France), AI Systems (Belgique), Laborelec (Belgique) and Technatom (Espagne) Durée : 3 ans, 30 hommes.ans. The objective was to design and develop AITRAS, a knowledge-based system for signal understanding. AITRAS comprised a system shell and the design tools for building systems for the real-time analysis and interpretation of instrumentation signals.
Convention DRET n° 89-307 et convention n° du Ministère de l’industrie avec MATRA DEFENSE et MSII, projet Durée 24 mois environ 120 hommes mois pour les deux projets
Convention n°88-78-814 avec l’Etablissement des Constructions Navales de la DGA (CPM) Durée 18 mois, 29 hommes mois
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