Lecturing activity at the Institut des Sciences du Digital Management & Cognition (IDMC), Université de Lorraine
- Master Cognitive Sciences (CS)
- Master Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises (MIAGE)
- Bachelor Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales (MIASHS)
Courses | |
Keywords: robot operating system (ROS), simulation, localisation, motion planning, sensorimotor control of robots.
Keywords: Hodgkin-Huxley formalism, spiking neurons, network modeling, plasticity, population modeling, dynamic neural field theory.
Keywords: NoSQL databases, XML, JSON, JAVA.
Keywords: parallelism and synchronization, real-time systems, LINUX.
Keywords: process management, main memory Management, I/O Device Management, LINUX. |
Other responsibilities
- Coordinator of 3rd year internships (bachelor program MIASHS)