Professor in Computer Science – NLP – at University of Lorraine,
Teaching at IDMC – Natural Language Processing, Programming and Algorithms
Research Activities at Inria and LORIA: member of the Semagramme Team (Univ. Lorraine, Inria, CNRS)
Research topic: Dialogue, Discourse and Semantics of Natural Language
- Natural Language Processing (symbolic, machine learning and deep learning)
- Oral Data: Speech processing, French Corpora development focus on natural interactions: interviews of patients with schizophrenia (SLAM/ODIM), board game (DinG)
- Semantics: Semantic modeling, French version of the FraCas ressources, Semantic ressources produce with rewriting methods with Grew
- Ethic in NLP and AI
I am (currently):
- Teaching:
- Head of the master in Natural Language Processing
- Research:
I am also very active at the union level, especially at the national level for the issue of research.