BeleniosRF: A Strongly Receipt-Free Electronic Voting Scheme
BeleniosRF: A Strongly Receipt-Free Electronic Voting Scheme. Véronique Cortier, Georg Fuchsbauer, and David Galindo. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2015/629, 2015.
We propose a new voting scheme, BeleniosRF, that offers both strong receipt-freeness and end-to-end verifiability. It is strongly receipt-free in the sense that even dishonest voters cannot prove how they voted. We give a game-based definition capturing this property, inspired by and improving the original receipt-freeness definition by Benaloh and Tuinstra. Built upon the Helios protocol, BeleniosRF inherits from its simplicity.
@misc{cryptoeprint:2015:629, author = {V\'eronique Cortier and Georg Fuchsbauer and David Galindo}, title = {BeleniosRF: A Strongly Receipt-Free Electronic Voting Scheme}, abstract ={We propose a new voting scheme, BeleniosRF, that offers both strong receipt-freeness and end-to-end verifiability. It is strongly receipt-free in the sense that even dishonest voters cannot prove how they voted. We give a game-based definition capturing this property, inspired by and improving the original receipt-freeness definition by Benaloh and Tuinstra. Built upon the Helios protocol, BeleniosRF inherits from its simplicity. }, howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2015/629}, year = {2015}, }