Ma liste de publications (classement par type)

Chapitres de livre

[CO1] Hayssam Serhan and Patrick Henaff (2016), Muscle-like Compliance in Knee Articulations Improves Biped Robot Walkings, Recent Advances in Robotic Systems, Book edited by Guanghui (Richard) Wang, Intech, Sept 2016, ISBN 978-953-51-4767-1, DOI: 10.5772/63746

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture

[RI15] Andrii Shachykov, Julien Frere, Patrick Henaff, (2022), Simulation of Spinal Muscle Control in Human Gait using OpenSim, in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, doi: 10.1109/TMRB.2022.3143263, January 2022
[RI14] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff, (2019), Comparative Study of Forced Oscillators for the Adaptive Generation of Rhythmic Movements in Robot Controllers, Biological Cybernetics (Modeling), Springer Verlag, 2019
[RI13] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff, (2019), Robot-Based Motor Rehabilitation in Autism: A Systematic Review, International Journal of Social Robotics, Springer,
[RI12] Viacheslav Osaulenko, Bernard Girau, Oleksandr, Makarenko, Patrick Henaff, (2019), Increasing Capacity of Association Memory by Means of Synaptic Clustering, Neural Process Lett (2019),
[RI11] Artem Melnyk and Patrick Henaff, (2019), Physical Analysis of Handshaking Between Humans: Mutual Synchronisation and Social Context, International Journal of Social Robotics, 2019,,
[RI10] Melanie Jouaiti, Lancelot Caron and Patrick Henaff, (2018), Hebbian plasticity in CPG controllers facilitates self-synchronization for human-robot handshaking, Frontiers in Neurosciences, Neurorobotics, doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2018.00029
[RI9] John Nassour, Patrick Hénaff, Fethi Benouezdou, Gordon Cheng (2014), Multi-layered multi-pattern CPG for adaptive locomotion of humanoid robots, Biological Cybernetics, February 2014, pp 19: 1-13, doi: 10.1007/s00422-014-0592-8
[RI8] T. Hoinville, C. Tapia, P. Hénaff (2011), Flexible and Stable Pattern Generation by Evolving Constrained Plastic Neurocontrollers, Adaptive Behavior, June 2011, Vol, 19: 187-207
[RI7] Patrick Henaff, Vincent Scesa, Fethi Ben Ouezdou, Olivier Bruneau (2010). Real time implementation of CTRNN and BPTT algorithm to learn on-line biped robot balance: Experiments on the standing posture. Control Engineering Practice, International Federation of Automatic Control, 2010, 19, pp.89 – 99, doi: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.10.002
[RI6] Amrollah E. and Hénaff P. (2010) On the role of sensory feedbacks in Rowat-Selverston CPG to improve robot legged locomotion, frontiers in Neurosciences, Neurorobotics. 4:113., december 2010. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2010.00113
[RI5] H. Serhan, C. Nasr, P. Hénaff (2010), Muscle Emulation With DC Motor and Neural Networks, International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2010) 341–353 (IF2010= 2.98)
[RI4] T. Hoinville, P. Hénaff, S. Delaplace (2007), Etude sur l’intérêt des modèles biologiques de réseaux de neurones pour la synthèse de rythmes locomoteurs adaptatifs, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, RS-JESA, Vol. 41-N°3/4, pp 413-435, 2007
[RI3] Viacheslav Khomenko, Patrick Hénaff, Vladimir Borysenko (2010), generalized model of articulated electromechanical systems with elasticities in transmissions. Journal of Technical Electrodynamics, Institut d’Électrodynamique de l’Académie Nationale des Sciences d’Ukraine., Vol. 1, pages 141-146, septembre 2010.
[RI2] T. Hoinville – P. Hénaff -E. Monacelli (2005), Evolving Simplistic Neural Controllers toward Adaptation to Internal Perturbations, AMSE Journal of Advances in Modelling, advances C, Vol. 60 N°6, pp 57-71, 2005
[RI1] R. Thieffry and E. Monacelli and P. Henaff and S. Delaplace (2003), Technical aid adaptation with robotic, AMSE, Bioengineering Applied to Handicap Rehabilitation pp. 57-69, 2003

Autres Revues Internationales avec comité de lecture (collaboration avec Ukraine)

[RN2] Andrii Shachykov, Patrick Henaff, Olexandr Shulyak (2018). Нейромускульноскелетный симулятор ритмических движений тазобедренного сустава человека (Neuromusculoskeletal simulator of rhythmic movements of the human hip joint). Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine « KPI ». Series Instrument Making, National Technical University of Ukraine « Kyiv Polytechnic Institute », 2018, 55(1), pp.118-125.〉. 〈10.20535/1970.55(1).2018.135832〉.〈hal-01798576〉
[RN1] M. G. Chekhovych, A. S. Poreva, V. I. Timofeyev, P. Henaff (2018), Using of machine learning methods to identify bronchopulmonary system diseases with the use of lung sounds, Вісник Національного технічного університету України « Київський політехнічний інститут ». Серія : Радіотехніка. Радіоапаратобудування (Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine « Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ». Series: Radio engineering. Radio equipment construction), 2018. – Вип. 73. – С. 55-62. – Режим доступу: DOI: 10.20535/RADAP.2018.73.55-62

Articles de Conférences Internationales avec comités de lecture et actes

[CI54] Isabel Casso, Hendry Ferreira Chame, Patrick Henaff, Yvonne N. Delevoye-Turrell. Sorry I overreacted: The role of Affect in the Modulation of Motor Resonance during Face-to-Face Interaction.Poster. The European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, May 2024, Ghent (BE), Belgium. ⟨hal-04606872⟩
[CI53] Isabel Casso, Hendry Ferreira Chame, Patrick Henaff, Yvonne N. Delevoye-Turrell. Exploring Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction through the Quantification of Human Spontaneous Movement. The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024,, Aug 2024, Passadena, CA, United States. ⟨hal-04606893⟩
[CI52] Kakeru Yamasaki, Shibata Tomohiro, Patrick Henaff. Social Attributes in a Handshake Robot Adaptive to Human Shaking Motion Using a CPG Controller. The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024, Aug 2024, Passadena, CA, United States. ⟨hal-04606905⟩
[CI51] Kakeru Yamasaki, Shibata Tomohiro, Patrick Henaff. Social Attributes Vary with Individual Differences in a CPG-Controlled Handshake Robot. 29th Robotics Symposia, 1C1, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers; The Robotics Society of Japan; The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2024. ⟨hal-04504158⟩
[CI50] Lauriane Le Pape, Patrick Henaff, Tomohiro Shibata, Rikuo Kawamoto, Taiki Yoshitake. Towards a neuromusculoskeletal platform to simulate healthy and deficient gait with assistive devices. IEEE ICRA 2022 , 4th Workshop on Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Challenges of Interfacing Wearable Robots with the Human Neuromotor System, May 2022, Philadelphia, United States. ⟨hal-03674286⟩
[CI49] Baptiste Menges, Adrien Guenard, Patrick Henaff. Dynamic Oscillators to Compensate Master Devices Imperfections in Robots Teleoperation Tasks Requiring Dynamic Movements. CASE 2021 – IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 2021, Lyon, France.
[CI48] Baptiste Menges, Adrien Guenard, Patrick Henaff. Improving Control of a Teleoperated Robot Using an Adaptive Oscillator to Perform a Rhythmic Task for Foundry Applications. ISR 2021 – IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics, Mar 2021, Nagoya/ Virtual, Japan. ⟨hal-03164389⟩.
[CI47] Maria Sanchez, Satoru Mishima, Masayuki Fujiwara, Guangyi Ai, Melanie Jouaiti, Yuliia Kobryn ,Sébastien Rimbert, Laurent Bougrain, Patrick Hénaff, Hiroaki Wagatsum, (2019). Methodological Design for Integration of Human EEG Data with Behavioral Analyses into Human-Human/Robot Interactions in a Real-World Context. International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Aug 2019, Seoul, South Korea. pp.8. ⟨hal-02437374⟩
[CI46] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff, (2019),Real Time Movement Classification in Versatile CPG Control, Workshop on Robust Artificial Intelligence for Neurorobotics, Aug 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
[CI45] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff, (2019), The Sound of Actuators: Disturbance in Human -Robot Interactions? Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2019 Joint IEEE International Conferences on, Aug 2019, Oslo, Norway
[CI44] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff, (2019), Motor Coordination Learning for Rhythmic Movements, Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2019 Joint IEEE International Conferences on, Aug 2019, Oslo, Norway
[CI43] Andrii Shachykov, Oleksandr Shulyak and Patrick Henaff (2019), Closed-loop CPG control of human gaits in OpenSim simulator, to be published in proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2019), July 2019, Budapest, Hungary
[CI42] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff (2018), CPG-based Controllers can Generate Both Discrete and Rhythmic Movements, to be published in proceedings of 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), Oct 2018, Madrid, Spain
[CI41] Baptiste Menges, Michaël Sarrey, Patrick Henaff (2018), Implementation, risk assessment and safety human/robot interaction of collaborative robot UR10, proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS 2018), October 2018, Nancy
[CI40] Melanie Jouaiti, Patrick Henaff (2018), CPG-based Controllers can Trigger the Emergence of Social Synchrony in Human-Robot Interactions, to be published in proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2018), Sept 2018, Gênes, Italy
[CI39] Baptiste Menges, Michaël Sarrey, Patrick Henaff (2018), Integration of collaborative robot in a hard steel industrial environment, in proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2018),pp 634-637, August 2018, Munich
[CI38] A. Aussel, R.Ranta,L. Buhry, L.Tyvaert, P.Henaff (2018), A detailed model of the hippocampal formation for the generation of Sharp-Wave Ripples and Theta-nested Gamma oscillations, in proceedings of Computational Neurosciences Meeting (CNS 2018), Seatle, July 2018
[CI37] Paul Granjon, Patrick Hénaff and Alain Dutech (2018), Guido and Am I Robot?, case study of two robotic artworks operating in public spaces, in proceedings of International Conference on Live Interfaces  (ICLI 2018), Porto, June 2018
[CI36] P. Aksonenko, Vadym Avrutov, Yu. F. Lazarev, P. Henaff, L. Ciarletta (2018), Expanded Algorithm for Inertial Navigation, International Computing Conference (SAI 2018), In: Arai K., Kapoor S., Bhatia R. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 857. Springer, London, July 2018
[CI35] P. Aksonenko, V. Avrutov, Yu. Lazarev, P. Henaff, L. Ciarletta (2017), Overclocking Algorithms for SINS, 2017 IEEE International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Developments (APUAVD 2017), Kiev, 2017, pp. 125-129. doi: 10.1109/APUAVD.2017.8308791
[CI34] Andrii Shachykov, Patrick Henaff, Alexander Shulyak and Anton Popov (2017), CPG-based circuitry for controlling musculoskeletal model of human locomotor system, 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2017), Turin, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2017.8325131
[CI33] Andrii Shachykov, Patrick Henaff, Alexander Shulyak and Anton Popov (2017), Neuro-musculoskeletal simulator of human rhythmic movements, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON 2017), 2017, pp. 278-283.
[CI32] Hélène Fischer, Michel Hehn, Thomas Hauet, Daniel Lacour, Stéphane Suire, Gwladys Lengaigne, Danielle Pierre, Stéphane Heuraux, Christophe Chatelain, Stéphane Mangin, Pierre Molho, Julien Toulze, Patrick Henaff (2017),MAGNETICA, une expo attirante …, 24e Congrès général SFP, Société Française de Physique, Jul 2017, Orsay, France
[CI31] V. Avrutov, P. Aksonenko, N. Bouraou, P. Henaff, L. Ciarletta. (2017), Expanded Calibration of the MEMS Inertial Sensors, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), Kiev, 2017, pp. 675-679.
[CI30] Avrutov V. V., Bouraou N.Y., Lakoza S. L., Pavlovsiy O. M., Henaff P., Ciarletta L., Aksonenko P. M. (2017), Nems Gyroscope, Proceedings of 23rd ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE ITMC), pp 409-413, Portugal, 2017.
[CI29] V. V. Avrutov, P. M. Aksonenko, P. Henaff and L. Ciarletta (2017), 3D-calibration of the IMU, Proceedings of 37th IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), Kiev, 2017, pp. 374-379. doi: 10.1109/ELNANO.2017.7939782
[CI28] Gilles Tagne, Patrick Henaff, Nicolas Gregori (2016), Measurement and Analysis of Physical Parameters of the Handshake Between two Persons According to Simple Social Contexts, proceedings of 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2016, october 2016, pp 674-679, DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759125
[CI27] Melnyk Artem, Henaff Patrick, (2016), Bio-inspired Plastic Controller for a Robot Arm to Shake Hand with Human, in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology, ELNANO 2016, Kiev, April 2016, pp.163-168
[CI26] Melnyk Artem, Henaff Patrick, Popov Anton, (2015), Analysis of a handshake between humans using wavelet transforms, in Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology, ELNANO 2015, Kiev, April 2015, pp.397-401
[CI25] Artem Melnyk, Volodymyr Borysenko and Patrick Henaff, (2014), Analysis of Synchrony of a Handshake Between Humans, in Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2014, Besançon,France, Juillet 2014, pp.1753 – 1758
[CI24] G. Pugach, A. Pitti, A. Melnyk, P. Hénaff, P. GAussier, (2014),“Learning spatial Touch in an Artifi- cial Skin with Neural Network”, in : Eurohaptics 2014, L. 8619 (editor), part II, Spring-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, p. 458–460, 2014.
[CI23] Artem Melnyk, Viacheslav Khomenko, Volodymyr Borysenko and Patrick Henaff, (2014) Sensor network architecture to measure characteristics of a handshake between humans, in Proceedings of 2014 IEEE XXXIIII International Conference « Electronics and Nanotechnology » IEEE/ELNANO-2014, Kiev,Ukraine, April 2014, pp264-268
[CI22] A. Melnyk,V. Khomenko, V. Borisenko, P. Hénaff, (2013) Physical human–robot interaction in the handshaking case: learning of rhythmicity using oscillators neurons, in Proceedings of 2013 IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, IFAC MIM ‘2013, St Petersbourg, Russia, juin 2013,
[CI21] G. Pugach, V. Khomenko, A. Melnyk, A. Pitti, P. Hénaff, P.Gaussier (2013) Electronic hardware design of a low cost tactile sensor device for physical Human-Robot Interactions, in Proceedings of 2013 IEEE XXXIII International Scientific Conference « Electronics and Nanotechnology » IEEE/ELNANO-2013, Kiev,Ukraine, pp.445-449, April 2013,doi: 10.1109/ELNANO.2013.6552033
[CI20] John Nassour, Patrick Henaff, Fethi Ben Ouezdou, Gordon Cheng (2011). Bipedal Locomotion Control with Rhythmic Neural Circuits. International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Robots, Apr 2011, nantes, France. 2011.
[CI20] A. Melnyk, P. Hénaff, S. Razakarivony (2011), V. Borysenko, P. Gaussier, Adaptive Behavior Of An Electromechanical Arm Robot In Case Of Physical Interaction With The Human Being, in proceedings of 2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics AIM 2011, Budapest, July 2011, pp 689-694
[CI19] Nassour J, Henaff P, Benouezdou F and Cheng G (2011). Experience-based Learning Mechanism with a Concept of Vigilance. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: BC11 : Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting, 2011. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2011.53.00099
[CI18] Khomenko V., Henaff P., Borysenko V., Melnyk A., Bruneau O., B. Ouezdou F (2011). Non-Invasive Low Cost Method for Linear and Angular Accelerations Measurement in Biped Locomotion Mechanisms, to be published in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference SENSORS 2011, October 2011, Limerik, Ireland, pp 1756-1759
[CI17] J. Nassour, P. Hénaff, F. B. Ouezdou, and G. Cheng (2010). Adaptive Locomotive Behaviors of a Biped Robot: Patterns Generation and Classification, proceeding of 11th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive behavior, SAB 2010, LNAI 6226, pp 313-324., 2010
[CI16] John Nassour, Patrick Henaff, Fethi Ben Ouezdou and Gordon Cheng (2009), Experience-based Learning Mechanism for Neural Controller Adaptation: Application to Walking Biped Robots, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009 : 900/1650), pp. 2616-2621, 2009
[CI15] S. Alfayad, F.B. Ouezdou, F. Namoun, O. Bruneau, and P. Hénaff (2009),Three DOF Hybrid Mechanism for Humanoid Robotic Application:Modeling, Design and Realization, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009 : 900/1650), pp. 4955-496; 2009
[CI14] H. Serhan, P. Hénaff, C. Nasr, F. Ouezdou (2008), State Machine-Based Controller for Walk-Halt-Walk Transitions on a Biped Robot, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Humanoids 2008, decembre 2008, Korea, pp. 535-540., 2008
[CI13] Hayssam Serhan, Chaiban Nasr, Patrick Henaff, F. B Ouezdou (2008), A New Control Strategy for ROBIAN Biped Robot Inspired from Human Walking, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS, septembre 2008, pp 2479- 2485 (660/1350)
[CI12] Hayssam Serhan, Patrick Henaff, Chaiban Nasr, F. B Ouezdou (2008), Dynamic Control Strategy of a Biped Inspired from Human Walking; Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-RAS/EMBS Inter.l Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics -BioRob , October 2008, Scottsdale, USA, pp. 342-347 (115/203)
[CI11] Vincent Scesa, Patrick Henaff, Fathi Ben Ouezdou, Faycal Namoun (2006), Time Window Width Influence On Dynamic BPTT(h) Learning Algorithm Performances: Experimental Study, Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4131 LNCS-I, pp. 93 –102, 2006, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Septembre 2006,
[CI10] Vincent Scesa, Patrick Henaff, Fathi Ben Ouezdou and Faycal Namoun (2006), On The Analysis Of Sigmoid Time Parameters For Dynamic Truncated BPTT Algorithm, Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, juillet 2006,Vancouver, pp. 4498 – 4505
[CI9] Hayssam Serhan, Chaiban Nasr and Patrick Henaff (2006), Designing a Muscle like System based on PID Controller and Tuned by Neural Network, Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, (IJCNN 2016) Vancouver, 2006, pp. 10090-10097
[CI8] Hayssam Serhan, Chaiban Nasr and Patrick Henaff (2006), Designing An Artificial Muscle Based on PID Controller and Tuned by Neural Network with NN Identification of the Plant, Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, ASME books, ISBN 0791802566 ,Volume 16, 2006, pp. 747-752,
[CI7] V. Scesa, B. Mohamed, P. Henaff, F.B. Ouezdou (2005), Dynamic recurrent neural network for biped robot equilibrium control: preliminary results, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp 4125-4130, Avril 2005, Barcelone, Espagne,
[CI6] Thierry Hoinville and Patrick Hénaff (2004), Evolving Plastic Neural Controllers stabilized by Homeostatic Mechanisms for Adaptation to a Perturbation,, Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE9), pp81-88, september 2004 Boston, USA
[CI5] Thierry Hoinville and Patrick Hénaff (2004), Comparative Study of Two Homeostatic Mechanisms in Evolved Neural Controllers for Legged Locomotion, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp 2624-2629 October 2004, Sendai, Japan
[CI4] Thieffry R., Monacelli E., Henaff P., Delaplace S (2003), Configuring sensors by user learning for a locomotion aid interface . Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1, Pages 1509-1514, Taipei, Mai 2003.
[CI3] P. Henaff, O. Chocron (2002), Adaptive Learning Control in Evolutionary Design of Mobile Robots, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, octobre 2002, Pages 345-349. Hammamet Tunisie
[CI2] R. Thieffry and E. Monacelli and P. Henaff and S. Delaplace (2002), Approaches and learning phases for a robotic adaptive deambulation task, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pages 210-215, octobre 2002, Hammamet Tunisie
[CI1] P. Henaff, O. Chocron (2002), Evolving mobile robots with learning abilities by neural controller, International Symposium on Measurement and Control In Robotics, Bourges, juin 2002

Autres Conférences internationales

[CIN15] Shachykov, A.D.; Hénaff, P.; Shulyak, A.P. (2018), « Modelling of rhythmical movements of the human hip joint on neuronal and musculoskeletal level » International scientific and technical conference « Instrument making: state and perspectives », 15-16 May 2018, (in Russian)
[CIN16] Shachykov, A.D.; Hénaff, P.; Shulyak, A.P.(2017), « Comparison of measured and modeled movements of the human lower limbs » I International scientific and technical conference « Actual problems of automation and instrument making », 7-8 December 2017, pp.91-92, (in Russian)
[CIN13] V. V. Riabchenko, A. V. Nikitin, V. N. Khomenko, A. A. Melnyk (2012), “Application of the computer vision technology to control of robot manipulators”, Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Cybernetics Faculty of T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 12-16 November 2012, pp. 186-190.
[CIN12] V. Khomenko, А. Melnyk, A. Mesnil, P. Hénaff, V. Borysenko (2012), “Adaptive behavior of electromechanical anthropomorphic robots during physical interaction with environment and with human being”, Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Cybernetics Faculty of T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 12-16 November 2012, pp 170-175.
[CIN11] V. Khomenko, P. Hénaff, V. Borysenko, “Measurement and compensation of mechanical vibrations in articulations of electromechanical biped robot”, Bulletin of Kharkov National technical University, Vol. 28’ 2010, Kharkov: KPI, 2011, pp. 316-317.
[CIN10] А.А. Мельник (Melnyk), В.Н. Хоменко (Khomenko) , Плис П.С. Энафф (Hénaff) П., Борисенко (Borysenko) В.Ф. (2011), « Кинематическая модель робота с шестью степенями свободы и возможностью учета зазора в суставах », (Kinematic Model of a Robot with Six Degrees Of Freedom and a Possibility of Taking into Account Gaps in the Joints), Conference: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету (2011) , Volume: 10, Issue: 180; Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету (2011) , Volume: 10, Issue: 180
[CIN9] E. Snegina, G. Pougach, V. Khomenko, А. Melnyk, P. Hénaff, V. Borysenko, « Practical aspects of rowat selverston bio-inspired oscillator simulation », Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. УДК 681.518, Донецьк: ДВНЗ « ДонНТУ »,pp 369-372, Donetsk, may 2011.
[CIN8] P. Hénaff, « From the control of biological complex systems to the control of Robotic complex systems », Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. УДК 681.518 Донецьк:ДВНЗ « ДонНТУ »,pp 445-447, Donetsk, mai 2011.
[CIN7] J. Nassour, P. Hénaff, F. B. Ouezdou, and G. Cheng, « Bipedal Locomotion Control with Rhythmic Neural Circuits », International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Robots, Nantes, April, 2011.
[CIN6] Viacheslav Khomenko, Vladimir Borissenko, Patrick Hénaff, generalized model of articulated electromechanical systems with elasticities in transmissions. XI International scientific conference « problems of present-day electrotechnic 2010, Kiev, juin 2010,
[CIN5] Olivier Bruneau, Chiheb Zaoui, Fathi Ben Ouezdou, Aref Maalej, Samer Alfayed, Patrick Hénaff , Vincent Scesa Dynamic balance of a bipedal robot with torso subjected to 3D external disturbances, Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots (HLR), Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 25-26 Septembre, 2006.
[CIN4] P. Henaff, T. Hoinville, V. Scesa, B. Mohamed, F.B. Ouezdou , Biologically inspired control based on Adaptive Neural Networks for Legged Robots, Proceedings of HLR Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots, , October 14-15, 2004, Metz, France
[CIN3] F.B. Ouezdou, R. Sellaouti, A. Konno, B. Mohamed, V. Scesa, P. Henaff, C. Zaoui, O. Bruneau, ROBIAN Biped Robot : Design and Experiments, Proceedings of HLR Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots, , October 14-15, 2004, Metz, France
[CIN2] V. Scesa – P. Hénaff– B. Mohamed- R. Sellaouti-F. B. Ouezdou . Identification neuronale d’un torse de robot bipède : résultats expérimentaux, Actes de la Conférence Internationale sur la Modélisation Numérique et Applications, Beyrouth, Liban, Novembre 2003,
[CIN1] R. Thieffry and E. Monacelli and P. Henaff and S. Delaplace, différentes approches d’apprentissage neuronal pour la conduite adaptative d’un déambulateur, Actes de la conférence Handicap 2002, pages 157-162 ,juin, 2002, Paris

Conférences Internationales Invitées/Invited Talks

[CIV4] Patrick Henaff (2019) , « Plastic neural controllers for the emergence of motor coordination in the physical and social human/robot interactions », CoRS Illuminate Speaker Series, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, December 2019.
[CIV3] Patrick Henaff (2019) , «Vision based Human-Robot motor coordination using adaptive central pattern generators », Workshop in Movement analytics and gesture recognition for Human- Machine Collaboration in Industry 4.0, 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, september 2019
[CIV2] Patrick Henaff (2017) , «From the control of biological complex systems toward the control of robotic complex systems », International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI), Jakarta, Incoming October 2017 .
[CIV1] Patrick Henaff (2017) , «Biological control for humanoid robots »,  2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON),  2017 May 30th.

Communications, conférences, session posters et séminaires sans actes

[CN18] Lénaïg Gueho, Cyril Plapous, Laurent Bougrain, Patrick Henaff, Rozenn Nicol. Conception et évaluation d’une interface cerveau-machine exploitant des stimuli auditifs spatialisés. Journées Perception Sonore, Nov 2023, PARIS, France. ⟨hal-04287488⟩
[CN17] Casso Isabel, Chame Hendry F., Henaff Patrick, Delevoye-Turell Yvonne, « L’effet de l’oscillation dans l’interaction humain-robot », Conférence « Drôles d’objets, Un nouvel art de faire », May 2023, Nancy
[CN16] L. Le Pape, P. Henaff, T. Shibata, R. Kawamoto, T. Yoshitake , «Towards a neuromusculoskeletal platform to simulate healthy and deficient gait with assistive devices», IEEE/ICRA 2022 workshop « Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction », May 2022, USA
[CN15] Patrick Henaff, « Adaptive bio-inspired robot controllers for emergence of Human-Robot movement coordination and synchronization », Journées Nationales du GT8 neurosciences et robotique, Octobre 2018, LORIA, Nancy
[CN14] Melanie Jouaiti and Patrick Henaff, «Plastic CPG-based Robot Controllers for Human-Robot Rhythmic Interactions », Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoïde, Juin 2018, LORIA, Nancy
[CN13] Andrii Shachykov, Patrick Hénaff, Alexander Shulyak, «Modeling of human gait control using CPGs », Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoïde, Juin 2018, LORIA, Nancy
[CN12] Patrick Patrick Henaff,  » Du contrôle bioinspiré en robotique humanoïde à la simulation de la marche humaine déficiente « , Journée Fédération Charles Hermite – Entreprises, Atelier : « Robotique et Santé », 18 janvier 2018, LORIA, Nancy
[CN11] Patrick Henaff, Gilles Tagne, and Nicolas Gregori, « Plasticité et boucle sensori-motrice pour l’émergence de synchronie dans l’interaction rythmique homme/robot », Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoïde, 22-23 juin 2016, LAAS, Toulouse
[CN10] Gilles Tagnes, Henaff Patrick, Gregori Nicolas « Mesure et analyse des paramètres physiques de la poignée de main entre deux personnes dans de simples contextes sociaux », Journée de travail sur la robotique interactive et cognitive, avr. 2016 LAAS, Toulouse
[CN9] P. Hénaff, P. Granjon « Guido, le robot guide espiègle au MUDAM », performance robotique et conférence pour le colloque international « Fabrique des Sciences, Fabrique des Arts », MUDAM, Luxembourg , octobre 2015
[CN8] P. Hénaff, « Entre Art et Science: Guido, un robot guide espiègle au musée d’art moderne de Luxembourg », session vidéo, Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique (JNRR), octobre 2015
[CN7] P. Hénaff, Plastic neural controllers for humanoid robots, in NETT Workshop, Neural Engineering in Medecine and Relative Fields, Nancy, 3 Juillet 2015.
[CN6] P. Hénaff, Interaction rythmique homme/robot : cas du handshaking, in : Journées Nationales de la recherche en Robotique Interactive (JNRI) 2014,Toulouse, décembre 2014.
[CN5] J. Nassour, P. Hénaff, F.B. Ouezdou, G. Cheng, Adaptive Locomotive Behaviors of a Biped Robot : Patterns Generation and Classification, Journées Nationales de la recherche en Robotique Humanoïde, Poitiers, 2010
[CN4] Patrick Hénaff, Genèse des mouvements rythmiques et réflexes inspirée de la biologie: application à la locomotion et au contrôle d’équilibre des robots humanoïdes, Journées Nationales de la recherche er Robotique Humanoïde, Montpellier, mars 2007
[CN3] Patrick.Hénaff, IRON : Implémentation Robotique de Neuro-contrôleurs adaptatif, Actes des journées Robea/CNRS (Robotiques et entités artificielles), Montpellier, avril 2005
[CN2] Patrick Hénaff, Contrôle Inspiré de la biologie pour les bipèdes, Journée sur la Robotique Humanoïde et les applications médicales, Université de Versailles, novembre 2005.
[CN1] Patrick.Hénaff, IRON : Implémentation Robotique de Neuro-contrôleurs adaptatif, Actes des journées Robea/CNRS (Robotiques et entités artificielles), Toulouse, Janvier 2004

Communications dans les media et vulgarisation scientifique

[1] Patrick Hénaff, « la marche forcée des robots », les dossiers du magazine La Recherche, l’évolution, comment les espèces s’adaptent, N°27, pp 52, juin 2007
[2] Patrick Hénaff, l’apprentissage des robots, France 2 television, Francois de Closet :Les robots à l’égal de l’homme, mars 2000 (France 5, TV5: 2001,2002 )
[3] Patrick Hénaff, Réseaux de Neurones et Robotique, Arte , 10ème anniversaire de la Cité des Sciences et de L’Industrie Sous le Règne d’Héphaistos : Les Robots, mars 1996, décembre 1996, 1997

Publications avant 1997 (conférences internationales)

[1] G. Bourdon, P. Hénaff , Fuzzy and Neural Control for Mobile Robotics Experimentations, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Knwoledge-Based Intelligent Systems, session invitée, Pages 659-666, Adelaide, mai 1997. doi: 10.1109/KES.1997.619450
[2] P. Hénaff, S. Delaplace, Backpropagation Algorithm Without Output Desired: Implementation of Neural Control in Mobile Robotics,Proc. of Int. Conf. on Neural Networks and their Applications, Marseille, 1996.
[3] P.Hénaff, S. Delaplace, Using Backpropagation Algorithm for Neural Adaptive Control: Experimental Validation on an Industrial Mobile Robot, Proc. of Int. Symp. CISM-IFToMM Robots Manipulators Systems, Udine, juillet 1996,
[4] P. Hénaff, M. Milgram, J. Rabit , Adaptive Neural Control in Mobile Robotics: Experimentation for a Wheeled Cart, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, session invitée , Pages 1139-1144, San Antonio-USA. Octobre 1994
[5] P. Hénaff, M. Milgram, Adaptive Neural Control with Backpropagation Algorithm , Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp. Signal Processing, Robotics and Neural Networks, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Avril 1994.
[6] P. Hénaff, H. Schwenk, A Neural Network Approach of the Control of Dynamic Biped Equilibrium, M.Milgram, Proc. of Int. Symp. on Measurement and Control in Robotics, Turin, Novembre 1993